Day 29 Have had a really tough day today. My daughter's results came through today for the local grammar school entrance exam. Pass mark is 355, she got 354 ... :cry: I had a really good cry. She doesn't know the result yet as she is sitting another exam tomorrow so i didn't want her to know until after that. I am really proud of her as i never thought she would do so well but absolutely gutted that she missed out by such a small margin :sigh: I will go through the appeal process which means another 3 week of stress. How much can 1 single mum take On the plus side, i didn't stuff my face when i got the news Will try & be more cheery tomorrow Nite all yoyo xx
Hey yo-yo,
That must have been so tough as she was so close, but she sounds like one smart cookie You must be so proud.
Your doing so well not turning to food in times of stress, and LL does teach us to deal with our feelings and not try to bury them under food. I know it's really tough at times, but you are doing brilliantly and I bet you feel so much better today knowing you haven't lapsed.
Hope your feeling better today
Thanks Hannah. My mantra over the last couple of days has been "it's not going to make me feel any better to eat that , it'll only make me feel worse" .... so far so good, I've not lapsed I've drafted my appeal (mostly to stop it going round & round in my head) & will go in & see the head tomorrow to get some info from her.
The last 5 weeks have certainly been trying & to know I have not lapsed once makes me feel pretty good
Day 32 Had arranged to wfh today as I wanted to go into my daughters school to see the head. Managed to see her first thing & she was great so I felt lots better afterwards. She will draft something for me for tomorrow so i can get my appeal off & then forget about it for a few weeks. Saw one of the other mums at school who was in floods of tears so we arranged to meet up for a coffee & a chat later in the day. Went to Costa & had a peppermint tea I have really surprised myself recently. I have had so much crap & pressure at work & all the worry with my daughters exams & somehow haven't turned to food. Maybe stress isn't the trigger I thought it was
I'm feeling really in the groove with LL at the moment - I can feel the difference now & managed to fit into a pair of jeans today that were off limits only a couple of weeks ago I might work out how much I need to lose to get my BMI under 30 & make that my next mini goal.
Suddenly remembered that our LLC had told us to try & accept compliments this week & that on sunday when one of my friends told me she liked my hair (I'd had it cut the day before), I said "Oh I haven't washed it today" Also, another friend said she could really tell I'd lost weight & I said "yeah not wore these jeans for ages but my muffin top is hanging over the top!" Must try harder
Day 33 Apart from a banging headache, today was a good day
Day 34 Still going strong, no lapses & not even tempted to eat Am a bit worried about tomorrow's WI as I've not been to the loo for a few days ... suspect i will only have a little loss this week anyway after 2 good weeks.
I'm really enjoying putting clothes on & them being nice & lose on me I can't wait for another few weeks when I can fit into loads more stuff in my wardrobe!
Will post tomorrow with my WI results :fingerscrossed:
Thanks Mags ... am feeling really positive at the mo
Am pleased to report I lost 2.6 this week .. woop woop!! A grand total of 18lbs so far - you never know I might get out of the obese category next week
Day 36 Day off today Still feeling really good about LL even though other aspects of my life are not going so great After dropping DD at school, went to Tesco - very exciting . I'm organising a volunteering day from work next week & most of my trolley was full of goodies to keep the volunteers going next Friday - how bizarre ! You'll laugh at the worst part ... I've got to pick up a lunch order for 40 from the chippy when we're at the event next Friday!!! Everyone has been e-mailing me with their orders & my mouth has been watering at the thought The guys at work have been asking me what I'm gunna have .... my bar of course You know its wierd - I am not even tempted The weather has been fab here today - hope it is as nice next week as we are outside clearing the woods!
Nothing exciting planned this weekend ... I may venture to the gym on sunday afternoon Just need to dust off my membership card first
Well done YoYo
You're doing great. I know you will do well with LL. You have the right attitude. I'm not tempted by food at the moment either.
I couldn't care less in fact. Just wish this cold went away now as it's getting on my nerves
Have a great weekend hun xx
Day 39 I've turned into a feeder Instead of going to the gym yesterday, I did a spot of baking! Didn't have any myself of course innocent0002 but took my cakes in to work today instead. I'm getting my food fix through baking & Nigella on telly I did have a bit of a dialogue going on in my head on saturday evening ..... I just "fancied" some crisps. I wasn't hungry but just thought I should be able to have some. I didn't have any but I just hope i have the same willpower when abstinence is over. Nothing much else to report .... yoyo xx
Day 43 I've not posted on my diary for a few days, mostly because I didn't really have much to say Am still going strong with the programme - no lapses Had my WI last night & lost 1lb - I knew a little one was coming! TOTM just kicked in so hopefully I'll see a better result on the scales next week. At group last night, we talked about Crooked Thinking & I am going to try really hard to put this into practice this week - well in fact, not put it into practice but you know what i mean Am absolutely shattered tonight. I think I mentioned earlier on my blog that i had organised a volunteering day for my team at work - it was today. There were 30 of us clearing rhodedendrons in some woods on a local Nat Trust property . OMG it was back breaking work! Not only that but we had to trek 20 mins from the car- park to the site where we were working As I had organsied the event I had to make up "snack bags" for everyone ... they were full of various "treats" - mine had 2 bottles of water in it At lunchtime everyone tucked into piping hot fish & chips - peanut bar for me We had an absolutely super day & I feel so proud of myself, 1 for bringing everyone together out of the office & seeing how much fun we all had & 2, for abstaining surrounded by so much temptation! Got home about 5 ish, absolutely cream crackered, achey & cold - now snuggled up on the sofa with my peppermint tea Oh and one more good thing about today (We all had to wear our company's t-shirts) I wore a size small t-shirt ... and with a long sleeve top underneath it.
Day 49 Had a busy week this week with plenty of challenges along the way On Tuesday night, I went to a friends Pampered Chef party. Anyone heard of it? Well, its kind of like a snazzy tupperware party The "rep" is trying to flog kitchen utensils, cookware etc etc. In order to do this she makes a recipe from scratch, showing how all the utensils can be used to make your life easier So I watched, mouth watering, as she russled up a chicken curry & pilau rice. Everyone else got to sample the finished product - I amused myself by leafing through the brochure How much for a cheese grater ??!! Hey ho - another food related event succesfully neogtiated I worked from home on weds as I had an electrician in trying to sort out my lights .... when he started the problem was with the upstairs lights, by last night, they were fixed but all the downstairs had blown He had the door open most of the day & the heating was off - I was abso-bloomin-lutely freezin!! Still can't warm up now Was back in work today & got a call to say the letter I had been waiting for had arrived in the post. Dashed home as quickly as I could & unfortunately didn't get the news i was hoping for My daughters school appeal wasn't successful :cry::cry: felt like stuffing my face there & then I didn't of course. Pulled myself together & headed for my group (earlier than my usual time as I really didn't want to stay tonight). Was expecting a small loss (that's what my scales were predicting) & was chuffed to have lost 3.7 lbs this week. This takes me over half way to my target Despite this brilliant result, I am still fantasising about eating some crisps or anything really ... typical comfort eating response Day off tomorrow & have lots to do. Its my daughters 11th birthday on Saturday so need to go & get cake etc etc. Party & sleepover on Saturday ... wish me luck