Zero Coke and similar?

Sorry, my last post was aimed at Giza!
Starlight- I hear good things about CD products like water flavour but I've never been on it. Now I've found a diet I want to stick with I don't want to start CD but I would like to get my hand on some of their products!
Have you looked at Low Carb Megastore yet MiniM? I only learnt about it here and it can be overwhelming with the number of products, but there are a huge range of products there. 'Halter' sugar free carb free mints and another make of gum, for example. I can get the Halter locally but have ordered some gum. Nice to chew something occasionally and I've banned myself from bars - for now! If in doubt about a 'new' product, ask here!
Have you looked at Low Carb Megastore yet MiniM? I only learnt about it here and it can be overwhelming with the number of products, but there are a huge range of products there. 'Halter' sugar free carb free mints and another make of gum, for example. I can get the Halter locally but have ordered some gum. Nice to chew something occasionally and I've banned myself from bars - for now! If in doubt about a 'new' product, ask here!

I'm lurking on lowcarbmegastore, waiting for all the slim and save (well, dietimeal ones) to come back in stock. I aw they had low carb gum, they list Extra as low carb and usually I have a different one but they seem very similar carbs! Confusing. I've been looking for something minty today, breathstrips or spray or something. No idea where to get it!
I dont do CD but I have, as have a few other Exante people, found a lovely CD councellor who is prepared to sell me the water flavourings :)

Ahh, so its not what you know its who you know! I may try and contact a local councellor and see if its possible!
I'm lurking on lowcarbmegastore, waiting for all the slim and save (well, dietimeal ones) to come back in stock. I aw they had low carb gum, they list Extra as low carb and usually I have a different one but they seem very similar carbs! Confusing. I've been looking for something minty today, breathstrips or spray or something. No idea where to get it!

The extras tend to be a bit pricey. I got the Halter mints cheaper than listed on LCMegastore. One thing I've learnt is that you do have to shop around a bit. It's just nice having something to freshen up the mouth, without compromising the good old ketosis!
The water flavourings you can get from S&S won't kick you out of ketosis unless you have like a whole pack in a day as the citric acid is very minimal.

I've been drinking loads of Coke Zero/Dr Pepper Zero and had no problems. I find it stops me being hungry if I get the munchies.
There's some research that suggests that the sweetner in low calorie drinks makes your body expect sugar to process so it isn't very supportive to your body to drink them when you are loosing weight. "When diabetic-prone rats were fed a high-fat diet with aspartame—an artificial sweetener used in diet products—they showed higher blood glucose levels (a diabetes risk factor) than those just fed a high-fat diet. “Excessive amounts of glucose in the blood stream are sent to the liver and converted to excess body fat,” Forberg explains. But further research is needed before we can compare these findings in rats to humans, the researchers caution." Google for various other research.

It may also make your palate find the healthier foods less attractive. Diet soda users are often fatter than regular soda drinkers. But maybe that's the large BigMac and extra fries that went with it!

On the other hand, if it keeps you on track, maybe its a helpful tool. I'm using sodastream water instead.

The Alizonne Programme recommends none, and if you really really want it, a can a week. I had a serious diet red bull habit. I have had 3 in 5 weeks, when I used to have 2-4 a day.

So I think it's your choice.

I've just introduced coke zero into my diet - one a day. I hesitated at first and although I've only had two, I'm going to try to drop it to one or two a week, or just for those moments when you need something! There are pros and cons but I've also read that they aren't particularly good for you. I just had to find out if they started my cravings and they don't, so that's good!!
Goodness, 2-4 diet redbull a day? I think my head would fall off! Well done on cutting down, I know what it's like to give up the things you like.... pepsi max, sigh, I used to get through 2-3 liters a day!
Thanks MiniM. It was a habit...something to do. Giving up has just meant not reaching for a redbull in the office when I used to, and not buying them in petrol stations. Come to think of it, there's lots I don't buy in petrol stations now!!
I know that feeling, it's very odd coming back from the school run and not going in Tesco and loading up on pepsi max and tons of sweets, crisps and pork pies every day!
I will have to try the Coke zero as I love my diet pop and has been very difficult trying to give it up. Maybe as a treat after I reach my h2o goal!
Fizzy drinks help me to feel fuller for a bit but I tend to feel really hungry bout an hour after :sigh:
I'm doing Slimmm and drinking about 4 pints of water a day but I NEED my diet coke/coke zero... I just can't give it up but there's no calories and it helps my sweet tooth :s
Diet coke contains citric acid which knocks some people out of ketosis. If you can't give up your fizzy drinks en I'd suggest coke zero - as it won't knock you out of ketosis.
Angelcake: your hunger may be physical. Some people respond to the sweetner like its sugar. So your body is expecting something to work on. Some US scientists say that why diet drink users are fatter than people who drink regular sugary drinks in moderation.

Check the sweetner type in yr drink and try something else - or give it up!
