Have you looked at Low Carb Megastore yet MiniM? I only learnt about it here and it can be overwhelming with the number of products, but there are a huge range of products there. 'Halter' sugar free carb free mints and another make of gum, for example. I can get the Halter locally but have ordered some gum. Nice to chew something occasionally and I've banned myself from bars - for now! If in doubt about a 'new' product, ask here!
I dont do CD but I have, as have a few other Exante people, found a lovely CD councellor who is prepared to sell me the water flavourings
I'm lurking on lowcarbmegastore, waiting for all the slim and save (well, dietimeal ones) to come back in stock. I aw they had low carb gum, they list Extra as low carb and usually I have a different one but they seem very similar carbs! Confusing. I've been looking for something minty today, breathstrips or spray or something. No idea where to get it!