*Zoe's Food Diary 2011...the extra easy way :-)*

Good luck in your challenge! I find these help to keep me on the straight, bit of friendly competition never hurt anyone :) xx

Thanks hun!
Re-joining group tonight, feeling a little nervous. Got rid of my bathroom scales, so havnt got a clue what i weigh!?!?
Might go for a green day today...

Thursday 5th Jan - Green

2 Weetabix (HEA) with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

Jacket Potato & Branston Beans with sachet of butter buds
Blueberries & Grapes

Chicken Parmesan (Use the chicken as HEB, cheese as HEA and syn 1 slice of wholemeal bread), salad & SW chippies with 1tbsp lighter than light mayo

2 celebration chocs

2 cups of tea with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

SYNS: 2 x celebrations = 4 syns, Lighter than light mayo = 1 syn, 1 small slice of wholemeal bread = 3 syns, BUtter Bud = 0.5 syn
Well I re-joined group last night...drum roll please...8LBS GAIN, aaaarrggghhhh! Not too bothered, it has been 9 months since I hit target and attended group. I'm raring to go now and I WILL shift those 8lbs, whether it takes me 4 weeks or 4 months! However I am guna try stick to my valentines challenge of 7lbs. BRING IT ON!!! x
Friday 6th Jan - Extra Easy

2 Weetabix (HEA) with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

Homemade chilli with lettuce, cucumber & beetroot

Right...tonight i am finally going to try the mushy pea curry with rice. 2 satsumas for afters

3 celebration chocs

2 cups of tea with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

SYNS: 3 x celebrations = 6syns
Well,i had a brill productive day yesterday...plenty of body magic-all housework done from top to bottom, ironing done, made a huge batch of chilli and had a good clearout! Went out for meal last night, which i am writing off...due to a creamy chicken dish, 6 vodka diet cokes and 5 cosmopolitans :7834::eating: ...however i did resist a starter and dessert...and a slab of the most gorgeous looking birthday cake :innocent0002:

Saturday 7th Jan - Extra Easy/WRITE OFF!!


Bacon & Beetroot sandwich with a little lurpak on 2 small slices of wholemeal bread (b)

Jacket potato with tuna, sweetcorn and cucumber...mixed with fat free nat yoghurt

Meal-Chicken diane, mmmmmmm!

2 tangerines

2 cans pepsi max
2 cups of tea with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)...didn have all my healthy extra A, oops!

SYNS: Lots, guna be extra good rest of week!!!

Sunday 8th Jan - Extra Easy


Bacon & Beetroot sandwich with a little lurpak on 2 small slices of wholemeal bread (b)

Going to use the leftover from yesterday...tuna, sweetcorn and cucumber with a jacket potato

2 Morrisons eat smart sausages (1 syn), mashed potato and gravy...not sure which gravy im going to use yet. I uaually use bisto, but dont really want to use syns.

2 celebration chocs
2 tangerines and pineapple

Pepsi Max
3 cups of tea with skimmed milk (a)

SYNS: 2 x celebrations & 2 sausages = 5syns

Going to do a batch of chicken curry today too,i'm really getting into this cooking lark...might try a tikka massala!

Monday 9th Jan - Extra Easy

2 Weetabix (HEA) with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

Homemade chilli with Spaghetti. Plus a bowl of pineapple, tangerine, grapes and kiwi fruit.

Homemade Chicken & Mushroom Curry with Rice

2 celebration chocs
Apple and 2 satsumas

2 cups of tea with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

SYNS: 2 x celebrations = 4syns
Woke up this morning and decided im going to start walking to work...its actually quicker than driving!!
Was a bit dark, but headphones were in, Beyonce blasting away...i enjoyed it!
Did help that it was relatively mild today...dont think ill be quite as enthusiastic when its pelting down with rain and gale force winds!!
PrincessZoe said:
Woke up this morning and decided im going to start walking to work...its actually quicker than driving!!
Was a bit dark, but headphones were in, Beyonce blasting away...i enjoyed it!
Did help that it was relatively mild today...dont think ill be quite as enthusiastic when its pelting down with rain and gale force winds!!

I walk to and from work too. Much cheaper than the bus and quicker - takes me 30 mins for the 2.2 mile walk OR an hour and 15 waiting for the bus and the journey. I'll take the walk any day!
Well done and hope the weather stays clear for you! X
Ali* said:
Hi you! Found your new diary - yay!!

Looking good hun!

BTW - is 'Write-off' the new way of saying 'flexi-synning' or did you even exceed that??? :rotflmao: That's my girl!

Thanks for popping over Ali :D
Haha, I'd like to say I flexi-synned...but think I'd just be kidding myself, lol!
Not to worry though, I've bn as good as gold since and back on the straight n narrow, yay!!
Tuesday 10th Jan - Extra Easy

Banana Sandwich. 1 banana sliced onto 2 slices of wholemeal bread with a little lurpak lighter

Homemade chicken & mushroom curry with rice. Plus a bowl of tangerines, grapes and kiwi fruit.

Spaghetti Carbonara with side salad & 21g Low Low Cheese (1/2 HEA)

2 celebration chocs
Apple and 2 satsumas

2 cups of tea with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

SYNS: Lurpak Lighter = 2 syns, 2 x celebrations = 4syns
No, I frazzled the bacon mushrooms n garlic in fry light then added veg stock till it all soaked in.
I put 2 egg yolks in a dish and mixed in a small tub fat free Nat yoghurt.
I added the tasty bacon n mushroom mixture to the spaghetti and then the yoghurt mixture and slowly cooked...oooo I could eat it all again!!
PrincessZoe said:
No, I frazzled the bacon mushrooms n garlic in fry light then added veg stock till it all soaked in.
I put 2 egg yolks in a dish and mixed in a small tub fat free Nat yoghurt.
I added the tasty bacon n mushroom mixture to the spaghetti and then the yoghurt mixture and slowly cooked...oooo I could eat it all again!!

So when am I coming for tea? :D I LOVE carbonara! Do you think it would work mixing it all with macaroni and grated cheese over for a mac n cheese?! Xx
So when am I coming for tea? :D I LOVE carbonara! Do you think it would work mixing it all with macaroni and grated cheese over for a mac n cheese?! Xx

Hahaha, anytime!
Me too, i would eat it every night if i could...it never fails to satisfy ;)
Hmm, not sure i've never tried it that way, but dont see why not!
Must remember to take pics!!! My mum and 'mother-in-law to be' are coming over for tea tonight, so i've got an amazing steak casserole on the go in the slow cooker with sponge pudding & custard for afters, ooooooo! Im trying to be mega good today, so unfortunately will have to resist!

Wednesday 11th Jan - Extra Easy

Banana Sandwich. 1 banana sliced onto 2 slices of wholemeal bread with a little lurpak lighter

Ham & Egg Salad with lighter than light mayo...been having far too many carbs recently.

Homemade Chilli & Pasta

1 celebration chocs
Apple and 2 satsumas

Cup of warm skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)
2 cups of tea with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

SYNS: Lurpak Lighter = 2 syns, Mayo = 1syn

WI tomorrow :eek:


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I was very naughty last night and weighed myself at my mums...gained 1lb :mad: But hey ho, i have faith for tonight's official WI at group!

Thursday 12th Jan - Extra Easy

23g Low Low Cheese (1/2 HEA) & Ham Toastie (HEB). Satsuma

Ham Salad with lighter than light mayo, followed by Strawberries & Blueberries

Spaghetti Carbonara

2 celebration chocs

2 cups of peppermint tea
2 cups of tea with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

SYNS: 2 celebration = 4syns, Mayo = 1syn
PrincessZoe said:
I was very naughty last night and weighed myself at my mums...gained 1lb :mad: But hey ho, i have faith for tonight's official WI at group!

Thursday 12th Jan - Extra Easy

23g Low Low Cheese (1/2 HEA) & Ham Toastie (HEB). Satsuma

Ham Salad with lighter than light mayo, followed by Strawberries & Blueberries

Spaghetti Carbonara

2 celebration chocs

2 cups of peppermint tea
2 cups of tea with skimmed milk (1/2 HEA)

SYNS: 2 celebration = 4syns, Mayo = 1syn

Yay! You had a toastie!! How was it? And ignore the scales... If you cant handle the fluctuating weights hop off :) I am a continual weigher but I don't let it gauge how I feel, the only weigh that matters is my Saturday morning one.
Carbonara again I see, send me some please!! Xx