¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Brilliant post Cheryl & I too luuuurrrvvvve Linzi-i-loo. She comes over as a fantastic person. Perhaps her DH can take the laptop in, lol :D xx
Good Luck for today Linzi - hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Bren xx

Thanks Bren.. will update below. x

Lottsa Lottsa luck....Linz-i-loo....xxx

Thanks Fuzz-ster!! ;)

Best of luck babes xxxxxxx

Thanks Sticky. xx

Hey babes just seen your message. Good uck, you'll be fine. Your going to feel a rollercoster of emotion, it shows your erm...... well.........normal!!!! Lol
Missy is right you have come such a long way already. We'll be shopping for those skinny mini clothes soon enough (for you anyway!!).
Let us know how you get on babes.

You'll be back to Davina status in no time once yr little lady arrives! ;)

I hope the pre-op goes well Linz. You're bound to be nervous about what's going to happen ( I was pathetic before mine before Missy sorted me out, lol)

Like evryone's said, you know your doing this for the right reasons & it will all be worth it (((hugs))) xxx

Thanks Chick... most appreciated! xxx

Sorry for the late arrival, but thinking of you hun. xxx

Clarri... love ya babes! x

Its true Cinta. If it was for cosmetic reasons only then it would be so different but this is going to change her life around, (drastic i know) but could mean longer being a fantastic mummy and one day a nanny! (dont kill me for saying that Linz).
I have learnt that Linz-i-loo is a very beautiful person both inside and out, befriend her and you have a true friend for life. She will be ok as she has to whip us all into shape!
This surgery has not been taken lightly and we all know that. We also understand you are doing what is best for you hun. Its a shame you cant have your computer on for when you come round after.........We'd help relieve the pain!
Love you hun.

Thanks Cheryl... not sure who you've been talking too tho!! ;)

I think the fact I won't have my laptop will be a good thing... you lot making me laugh will pop my stitches!! :D

Fantastic post and I couldnt agree more. I love Linz-i-loo too.
i hope all has gone well this morning xxxx


Brilliant post Cheryl & I too luuuurrrvvvve Linzi-i-loo. She comes over as a fantastic person. Perhaps her DH can take the laptop in, lol :D xx

Shucks you guys... what a wonderful load of messages to come back too!!

Well it flew by this morning...

Arrived at 1015 & was all done including blood tests by 1115, which gave me planty of shopping time before having to pick the kids up!:D

Got asked lots of questions, took an mrsa swab from my nose (boy that tickled!!), she explained the op to me which makes you realise just how major this op really is! She said I will probably be first in as I'm diabetic & they like us to be done first b'coz we've not eaten since 3pm the day before, so she explained that it will probably be a whirlwind from arrival!

Interestingly I asked about being able to cope with the kids the week after & explained that the surgeon had said he thought I wouldn't need any help & would be able to cope... she said that it would be really tough going to try & cope with a 3yr old by myself the first week after my op as you can't really explain to them whats going on! She did make me laugh by saying that he had no kids 'yet' so has absolutely no idea how much energy they need & how exhausted you are after yr op!

Have asked Hubby if theres anyway he could work from home for the first week (as he has no leave left) so he's going to see what he can do.... the thought of having someone else around for that first week has made me feel far more relaxed as I was worried as to how I would cope!

So... all set for the 9th as long as I don't have mrsa!

Met the lovely Ellie, she's on the minis wls forum & has her surgery the day before me, so will have a friendly (& stunning she's quite beautiful) face to greet me after surgery on the ward!

So thats it now, until I start my pre-op diet on the 1st Sept... which will be low carb!! :D
awww Linz glad all went well. Im so excited for you (but also butterflies). Is there no one else who could come help with AJ? I do hope DH gets to work from home xxxx
and fab you have someone who will be going through the same as you xxxxxxx
Oh honey it sounds like you have asked everything you needed to. Do you feel any better now? Even better you will have a friendly face there too. Make sure you turn your phone on and i promise not to pop your stitches!
Dont want to frighten you but about 80% of the population are mrsa carriers. Its picked up in any environment and lives up your nose. I bet if we all had a swab done at work we would all almost def be carriers. This does not put you or anyone else at risk unless you are really bad with it and go near people with huge open unprotected wounds.
I will also say make sure any visitors to your bed side (inc drs and nurses) clean their hands with gel.
Can i come and visit and bring a balloon shop for you??? Id love to carry so many balloons i could fly
awww Linz glad all went well. Im so excited for you (but also butterflies). Is there no one else who could come help with AJ? I do hope DH gets to work from home xxxx
and fab you have someone who will be going through the same as you xxxxxxx

It would appear that my whole social network of family & friends are on their holidays the 2 weeks over my surgery... didn't realise September was so popular for holidays!!

Paul reckons he may get one or two days that he could work from home & then we'll just have to work round the rest, hey ho, no rest for Mum's not even after major ops it would appear!! Am trying not to think about it as thats whats playing on my mind far more than the actual surgery!!

Dont want to frighten you but about 80% of the population are mrsa carriers. Its picked up in any environment and lives up your nose. I bet if we all had a swab done at work we would all almost def be carriers. This does not put you or anyone else at risk unless you are really bad with it and go near people with huge open unprotected wounds.
I will also say make sure any visitors to your bed side (inc drs and nurses) clean their hands with gel.

Yes she said most of us walk around completely unaware that we have it & its only a problem when they make a hole in us!! If I do have it I have to be decontaminated before they'll allow me to have surgery....

Can i come and visit and bring a balloon shop for you??? Id love to carry so many balloons i could fly

Sounds perfect babes... as long as your balloons don't slip out of yr hands with the hand gel!! ;)

You sound a lot better about it all Linz. Im so admiring of you hun. Really am.

Thanks Clarri... it would appear my rollercoaster is on an up today. xx :D
Long may your up rollercoaster roll on Linzi - hope you get the help you need in the first week - you deserve for it to go really well for you!
Bren xx
Glad it all went well Linz & you've made a friend who's going through the same. That MRSA swab does tickle!! :D xx
Thats interesting about the MRSA Cheryl! and ahhhhh you want to fly with balloons :D

How are you feeling this morning Gorgeous Linz?
Hey Vicky & huge congrats! 8lbs you must be so chuffed!

I'm very flat this morning, am not sleeping very well at all my back is aching & I'm not sure if its down the to mattress or pillows but I wake up with such bad backache!

I woke at 0430 this morning crying & then my head was spinning so I couldn't get back to sleep, I am thinking I'm going to be one cranky cow if its like this for the next 2 weeks!!

Treated myself to some lovely new pj's yesterday as I'll be spending 3-4 days in hosp I fancied some nicer ones! Got a lovely really cheap pair in sainsburys & am very tempted to stay in them all day today!!

Amalie's had a stairgate on her bedroom since she moved into a bed over a year ago & we decided to take it off on tues night but now thinking it was a bad idea, she slept for 3 hrs tues afternoon SO... Tues pm, lots of squealing & trampolining sounds, games of running into Jacob's room & then finally went to sleep at 2250!!!!!!!!!! So she was shattered yesterday & fell asleep on the sofa at 1500 & slept for 2 hours... I did my best to try & wake her up SO... last night she was still awake at 2130 & that was with Paul reading to her so of course this morning she's just exhausted & normally I would try her in her bedroom just for a chill out if not a sleep but she'll just escape now!! May have to come out of my pj's & take her for a drive in the hope she'll fall asleep but then she'll only be wide awake later????

Double edged sword do I perservere with grumpy chops but hope she'll be out like a light later or make my day easier & nicer by driving her to sleep??
Hey Vicky & huge congrats! 8lbs you must be so chuffed!

Oh babe, why did you wake crying? big hugs x has the back pain just started???

If you can cope im sure its best to keep her awake????
Oh babe, why did you wake crying? big hugs x

Thinking about the kids & what I'm putting them thru, about how Amalie will cope with being back at school (which she's struggled with in the past after breaks) especially as for at least 2 weeks I won't be the one dropping her off or picking her up, about how I won't be able to pick her up & cuddle her for a while!

Jakey came up to me in tears this morning saying he was really going to miss me while I'm in hospital!!

I feel incredibly selfish right now!!:cry:

has the back pain just started????

No had it before thought it was just me but 2 weeks on an airbed & no aches & pains makes me think its something to do with what I'm sleeping on!! Could always have the airbed on the floor I spose!

If you can cope im sure its best to keep her awake????

Too late... took her upstairs lay in bed with her & read her a story & she was gone without hardly any trouble. Good thing is its early I will take her out later, while Jakeys at football camp, to wear her out for this evening... fingers crossed it'll work! xx
Oh Linz babe x You are not selfish for doing this, you are doing it for them. Surely they want a fit healthy mummy who is going to be around for a very very long time? If you are happy, so will they be.
I think if you are tired you are going to feel that everything is worse.
You will only be in hospital a very short period of time and then the kids can play drs and nurses.

Yes maybe you need a new bed? or just get the airbed out lol

AJ might surprise you when she goes back to school aswell. She is year older and with her knowing you cant take her she may be completely different.

Too late... took her upstairs lay in bed with her & read her a story & she was gone without hardly any trouble. Good thing is its early I will take her out later, while Jakeys at football camp, to wear her out for this evening... fingers crossed it'll work! xx
Ah bless her - how will you wear her out later?
hey linz, try not to think about the few days you wont be able to do the normal things for your kids. imagine the super mummy they are going to have a few months down the line when you will be fit and full of extra energy and be able to run after them. try explaining that mummy will be able to have much more energy and will be able to do so much more with them. this is not a selfish decision you have made. you are doing this for everyone around you as well as yourself. yes you will be knocked off your feet for a few days but im sure in no time at all the kids will be thankful for it. a fitter healthier scrummy mummy is on her way :D
Oh Linz babe x You are not selfish for doing this, you are doing it for them. Surely they want a fit healthy mummy who is going to be around for a very very long time? If you are happy, so will they be.
I think if you are tired you are going to feel that everything is worse.
You will only be in hospital a very short period of time and then the kids can play drs and nurses.

Yes maybe you need a new bed? or just get the airbed out lol

AJ might surprise you when she goes back to school aswell. She is year older and with her knowing you cant take her she may be completely different.

Ah bless her - how will you wear her out later?

Thanks Vicky... didn't expect this level of emotion before my op... what the heck will I be like after!!!

Think I might take her swimming, bit of fun me & her time whilst big bro is off chasing a ball around. We'll both feel much better for that!

hey linz, try not to think about the few days you wont be able to do the normal things for your kids. imagine the super mummy they are going to have a few months down the line when you will be fit and full of extra energy and be able to run after them. try explaining that mummy will be able to have much more energy and will be able to do so much more with them. this is not a selfish decision you have made. you are doing this for everyone around you as well as yourself. yes you will be knocked off your feet for a few days but im sure in no time at all the kids will be thankful for it. a fitter healthier scrummy mummy is on her way :D

Hey FaF... missed you!!

Thank you, it does make sense what yr saying & hopefully I'll get my head around to that way of thinking too!

How are you doing? Good to see you. xxx
Can only echo what has been said above, you are doing it to give you and them a better quality of life, it is only for a short while and will be of so much benefit after. And yes, time for a new mattress at least by the sound of it. Hugs to you all.

Suggestion to tire little'un out for tonight, instead of taking her for a drive in the car, tie her to the back and make her run behind lol (ok - I know it is illegal but you did ask) or maybe roller skates instead of running :D

Bren xx