¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas, Linz.

Love and hugs

Pam xxx

Thanks Pam... hope you had a lovely one too! LOVE the new avatar. xxx
Just to wish you a very very Happy Christmas. xx

Hey gawjuss lady... off to catch up on yr diary next. xx

Hey beautiful. Hope you had a wonderful xmas. I must have been a VERY good girl this year coz santa spent a fortune! I got everything on my wish list. Thanks you santa i love you. xxxx

Hey misses... lucky you. xx

Morning Linz. :)

Hey Jim... hope you had lovely festivities, will catch up on Jack news on yr thread. xx

Hiya chuck..
Hope yer having a wonderful time...missing ya x

Hey beautiful... am coming to visit you very soon. x
Good Morning ..... hope the ultra sound goes well. You're the only person I've read about who's lost anything over Christmas... quite amazing..... good on yer :D

I'm VERY jealous :jelous:

Good Morning ..... hope the ultra sound goes well. You're the only person I've read about who's lost anything over Christmas... quite amazing..... good on yer :D

I'm VERY jealous :jelous:


Morning Linz. :)

morning Linz

Morning Linz :)

Morning Peeps!

How are you this lovely Thursday morning? Finally feel chilled & ready to get back on track... well apart from the booze tomorrow night!
Thanks guys.... scan was all clear, gallbladder, kidneys, lungs, pancreas all as it should be! Be reffered back to gp then I guess back to my team.

We've had a lovely dvd afternoon... watched Tinkerbell & the Great Fairy Rescue, Beauty & the Beast & now Arthur & the Invisibles! The best way to spend a grey day!

Bad news is my car is in the garage AGAIN! Battery hasn't/won't charge & there is no power to accelerate... doesn't sound promising could be the alternator, well that will sum up our year as it started with the washing machine blowing up & we've had pretty much everything blow up thru out the year roll on a better 2011!
Yes thanks Suse... weird in a way I was kinda hoping it would just be gallstones as thats easy ti whip out but the pain didn't seem to match what happens with gallstones. it may just be my body getting used to actually doing more these days than vegging on the sofa.

Yeah bummer about the car but these things happen don't they!

Whats yr plans for NYE? You heard from V today got a text late last night but nowt today, hope she & the pups are ok. x
NYE I'm staying in and hopefully staying off the booze :) Will make lots of mad phone calls to people in NZ and Oz (and here of course). What are you doing?

Getting texts from Vicky - she is craving carbs :)
NYE I'm staying in and hopefully staying off the booze :) Will make lots of mad phone calls to people in NZ and Oz (and here of course). What are you doing?

Getting texts from Vicky - she is craving carbs :)

We're at our mates house... there'll be 10 of us trying to break Guiness world records!! :eek:

Just heard from her... hoping to get our room booked. x

Firstly well done on the lb. All hail Linz........ And great news that there are no stones lurking, but on the other hand, what the heck is causing the pain. xxx

Thanks chick... I know thats the thing Gallstones would've been an easy answer!

p.s. Our other problem we shared seems to have rectified itself... woohoo! xx
Did you say booze tomorrow night AND breaking Guiness world records? OK well I'll give that a crack myself :D

I hate the process of elimination that goes on when there's a pain... seems to take forever....sorry chick :sigh:

If I don't manage to get back here before tomorrow night can I wish you the happiest of New Years.... 2011 WILL be the year for us all.... YAY!!! xxx