¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Happy New Year Linz xxxx

May it be a fabulous one.
Happy de New Year folks!!

What a totally fantastic evening... we attempted several world record attempts such as.... how many washing pegs can you clip on one hand, the tallest sugar cube tower, the quickest balloon dog making to name but a few! Got to bed around 0300 this am so am extremally tired today but the head has been ok... unfortunately my day has been sponsored by carbs but back on it again tomorrow & am looking forward to having a good run at getting back into ketosis so 2 weeks of strict induction for me!

Hope you all had a brilliant one & looking forward to seeing you all this year!! In 3 months time... how cool is that? xx

p.s. photos on facebook if you want a glimpse of our record attemps. x
HAPPY NEW YEAR all my gorgeous people.
I hope you all had a lovely evening and heres to 2011. I just know its going to be a great one for us all. Im starting as i mean to go on.............full of pma! Lol.
Evening linz..
Aww what a shame you couldnt go play in Ikea ...hmm the cafe is fab..in fact i think we spent more time and money in there the last time we went!!LOL..ours is a good 70 miles away...ha ha just as well really

Pics were great from NYE btw......xx
My OH took the kids to Megamind yesterday and they loved it! Well actually, OH even more than the kids! ;)
Loooove Ikea too!

Thinking of going tomorrow or today for a couple of blinds?! But starting Dukan Attack today so probably not wise today? Although could keep me busy. Decisions, decisions.....

Clarri consider your space offficially watched! How are you hun? Been a long time between chats.
