Morning guys...
Just had a painful goodbye to Amalie this morning... we were chatting about the fact she was back at school last night & she kept saying No Mummy! This morning after she woke up she hid under her bed, then didn't want to put on her uniform, didn't want to leave the house & then after dropping Jacob off started crying & I had to carry her into preschool, they let me straight in & I managed to calm her down by reading to her, then the other kids came in & she started playing... but when I went to leave she just started screaming 'mummy, mummy, mummy' it broke my heart but I know I have to do it!!
They are fabulous there & within 5 mins she had calmed down & was cuddling with one of the staff (I was watching from the kitchen). They are going to ring me at 10 to let me know how she's doing!!
She has only been for one session a week for 5 weeks before the holidays & absolutely loved it!! It was horrible this morning I walked out on her in tears & I was in tears & feel like a really mean mum!! I didn't ever experience this with Jakey so its all new to me!
I'm guessing 3 weeks at home has changed how she feels about school... I know she'll get into the swing of it but now I'm not looking forward to thursday as I don't want to go thru it all again!!
So, I'm not going to go for my swim today as I want to be at home incase I do have to go & get her... instead after they've rung I shall do some work on the wii fit!! I was so excited about having a swim too... xx