¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Well you were looking forward to it. Hun your are a mum but you are also Linzi. I know that can sound horrible but sometimes us mum's need me time too.
Thanks Cheryl!!

They've just called she is skipping around in the garden, in & out of the sandpit!! Little monkey tugging at my heart strings!! Will stay at home tho & hopefully get my swim in on thurs... off to do the wii in a bit, have to watch biggest loser results first!!
aww bless her. Bet she will be looking forward to thursday :)
Is the biggest loser the uk one? I love that show!
WOW - Whats the biggest loss?
Yes it is rare so dont feel bad for looking forward to it. Im glad shes ok, the little monkey.
It breaks your heart doesn't it Linz but honestly babe she'll be playing more than happily now :D

I remember taking Matthew when he was small and he used to play me big time. I got him out of his baby seat one morning and he started running off up the street shouting NO MUMMY. I caught him and took him to the door of the nursery and he spread eagled himself so I couldn't get him through the door - took three of us to get him in. They rang me 30 mins later as I had left in tears and asked me to pop round but to go through the back door. I did and the monster was laughing and chortling and having a whale of a time :mad: Amelia will be fine hunni xx
LOL Caz, little ******* aren't they. :)
Just done 1hr 3 mins on the Wii, my heart wasn't in it tho, wasn't concentrating!! Little monkey is fine but its still having an affect on my morning!!

Beautiful day here today... we are so lucky at the moment its about 18 degrees again, the kids & I have already got a summer colour on us from being outside all the time, really can't wait til we start camping again!!
one hour 3!!! omg what were you doing?
Its so cold oop north - like a bitter wind its awful :(
It's bright here, but we have the cold wind as well Vicky.
i can see myself having mega problems when my Travis starts nursery in september. i cant even go to the toilet without him following me!
just picked Abbie up from nursery and she was in tears. they were toasting marshmellows on a fire today and learning the dangers of it. one kid kept throwing bugs on the fire and Abbie got so upset. her teacher said she had never seen a kid sob so much! :cry:
i hope it clears up for next weekend im going on my holiday x
Throwing bugs on the fire? what sort of Nursery is that. LOL.
They suss us out far better than we suss them out - how depressing is that? :8855: