¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

I used to swim for my county & have swam in the Nationals & won a gold medal against Germany so its kinda my thang iykwim! How old is DD?x

She is 12 so has had plenty of time to get over it. Even when she was a baby I had to bath her in the mornings coz she would scream blue murder and not settle for hours after being in water. She is a very strange child, lol.

Id go for the boots with not much give coz I like pointed toes and kitten heels, lol. Good luck with the ones from duo though.
Stubborn little things aren't they... even from an early age!

I'm drawn to the pointy ones as they're completely different from what I'd normally go for & I think I need to get a bit more girly!
Hiya hunny..
Yeh to the clothes all being too big :)
Hope you get yer boots sorted though they all sound lovely..i love my boots :D xx
Morning Linz :)
morning :) 2nd last day off before work :)
Hiya hunny..
Yeh to the clothes all being too big :)
Hope you get yer boots sorted though they all sound lovely..i love my boots :D xx

Yes am very chuffed with that... I have such big calves is a bloomin' nightmare getting some that fir round the calves but don't look like wellies at the ankles!! Just waiting for a pair to arrive from duo (taking forever) then I'll make a decision!:D
Girly is always good!

Both are girly but as a friend said I'd be out of my comfort zone enough in a skirt do I want to push it further in kitten heels too???

Morning Linz :)

Hey Jimbo... hows tricks?

Morning Linz-i-loo...
have a great day hunny xx

Hey Fuzzalish... you too babes. x

Have a great day Linz x

Thanks Gem... you too lovely lady. x

morning :) 2nd last day off before work :)

Hey Miss V... thanks for that reminder ;).

OMG I felt so rough this morning... good news is the lump behind the ear has shrunk loads & not tender anymore but my head is chock a block! I feel really thick iykwim! Been to the hairdressers, had a wander around the shops, bought myself a workbook & some funky pens! Came home have had 3 deliveries (fab as they were scheduled for tomorrow) put the washing on, have tidyed the house (amazing how messy it gets if I'm not the one keeping on top of it), gonna hoover & dust then sit & chill (fingers crossed) am meant to be at an EGM & committee meeting tonight but they way I've been the last 2 nights it'll be that last place I'll want to be... if I feel pants then I may just go for the EGM & the committee bit they'll have to do without me!

Am gutted as I ordered a pink ds for AJ from ebay... only to find out that the touch screens not working, have emailed the seller & hope we can get it resolved! Bummer as I wanted to give it to her this weekend.. never mind! She doesn't know she's meant to be getting it!

On the plus side I have a beautiful red funnel neck coat from Next (off ebay) that is beautiful & when I put it on I thought OMG I look slim in this... first time ever!! Maybe my heads playing tricks on me or I actually do look slim??:eek:

Right off to do housework before I get too comfortable. xx
Hi sweetie, ooohhhh the coat sounds great and I can imagine you look stunning in it! :) and look at you, going from not being able to find any brown boots - now you're spoilt for choice! :D YAY!!
Hiya Linz, hope the cold pushes off soon - good news on the scales and boots and clothes and oh just about everything (except being ill) :D
ooh we need a piccie Linz :) glad lumps gone down but poorly head. you need to get better for monday! date night tonight? or you not drinking xx
Hi sweetie, ooohhhh the coat sounds great and I can imagine you look stunning in it! :) and look at you, going from not being able to find any brown boots - now you're spoilt for choice! :D YAY!!

Thanks hun... the boots are from the site you suggested. xx

Hiya Linz, hope the cold pushes off soon - good news on the scales and boots and clothes and oh just about everything (except being ill) :D

Thanks Bren... flagging somewhat now. x

I resorted to Wide Calf Fitting Boots| Ladies’ Luxury Footwear| Wide Boots | Marisota for my smart boots - they had a good selection in wider calf lengths

Thanks Gem... have had a sneaky peak, think they have the same selection as Simply Be, must all come under the same umbrella. xx

Oooh flagging now... just had a lovely bowl of soup, most welcome! Am sitting down for an hour before collecting the kiddlywinks... then motor on with the rest of stuff when they're home as we'll all be in the kitchen together. x
aww hope you can get some kind of rest love x
Yes Linz it is the same company as Simply Be - I didn't know you went on there. They all come under the umbrella of J D Williams - they have all sorts of different names x
Sometimes you have to put yourself first Linzi. Im sure they will understand that youre ill.

I'll speak to the chair at school pick up... problem is I don't think that I particularily look ill!

Yes Linz it is the same company as Simply Be - I didn't know you went on there. They all come under the umbrella of J D Williams - they have all sorts of different names x

Andrea recommended it too me... thanks for the link tho they had a couple that I'd not seen so they're coming tomorrow to try on! xx