¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Thanks Fuzzy... I'm off to practice in the mirror now. x
Evening Linz, you need to give yourself some downtime or you will not be fit for your new job (and US!!!) xxxxxxxxxxxx
Evening Linz, you need to give yourself some downtime or you will not be fit for your new job (and US!!!) xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks Bren.... I'll be fighting fit for Brum!

Good morning Linz x
Hey Gem. xx

Morning all 3lbs down this week! :D

What a waste of time last night was, EGM to talk about the fact that people aren't stepping up to the plate & some of us have 3 roles that we're juggling & there was only the usual suspects (the ones that do anyway) we finally finished the committee meeting at 2230, I was SO ready for my bed by that point!

Beautiful morning here... kids were awake early & had lots of bouncy giggly fun in bed with me (best way to start the day). We're off to Jacobs assembly this morning, then am very excited that the rest of my deliveries will arrive & a final decision on boots can be made!

Got my friends little one coming after school today as she's off to London to get the results of her genetic testing (her Mum's in the last stage of breast & ovarian cancer) and she's taken the very brave step to get tested & then will have a masectomy & close monitoring if she is found to have the gene... there is a 50/50 chance that she will have & if she does then it could be passed to her kids! Brave lady & I feel sick with worry that she's going thru all this & pray with all my heart that she comes back with good news!

Hope you all have a fab day... will be back on after Jakeys assembly & have some time to catch up properly laters. x
Morning Linz, well done love, that's a good loss :)
let's hope the cold has gone by next Friday then linz
morning again lover xxx well done- you rock!!!!! onwards and downwards!
YAY... well done on this week's loss :D

Hope your friend get's good news today xxx
Morning skinny knickers!
Hun i know its a bit rich coming from me but you really need to take time out to rest a little. You are no good to anyone if you get ill!
Ahh your poor friend, yes she is very brave but i think its an amazing way of dealing with it. Face it head on then deal with the outcome. Could be better for her in the long run. I wish her every bit of luck. I hope everything works out for her. xxx
Lol i did say it was rich coming from me! Things are really slowing up now only 1 day on a commercial next week (well, at the moment anyway). It will be very slow until we get another film so lots of play time with my boys and time to sleep!
Ok... think I've made a decision re boots, have got a gawjuss bag (yes I have a handbag!) so think I'm all sorted, sorry forgot coat picture will do one tonight as I plan to wear it out!

Yes I have to go out tonight, its the Mum's night out that I've organised so can hardly not turn up! Think it'll be fun tho & its not like I have to get drunk & stay late (remind me of this later pleeeease!)

Amalies fallen asleep while watching the Princess & the Frog, hope she's not coming down with anything, 3 kids at her preschool are off with V&D, 2 kids have got mumps (thankfully she had her booster in January) & 2 others have chest infections & high temperatures.... as much as I don't want her being ill I really don't want that worry on my first day at work... think I may speak to my folks & see if they could cover Monday if I really needed them too, can't not go in on my first day!!

Oooh its all happening. x
Lol i did say it was rich coming from me! Things are really slowing up now only 1 day on a commercial next week (well, at the moment anyway). It will be very slow until we get another film so lots of play time with my boys and time to sleep!

Yes you did... I was agreeing with ya! :D

Good to have some down time babes & get that all important time with yr boys & some you time I hope!
I dont need me time honey, just as long as my boys are happy then i am.
OB loves that film too. I think sometimes they get tired with the early mornings and need to catch up. OB did a few weeks back, he slept for almost the whole day. Bless her. I hope shes ok.