I know I was dropping back into the old habits of drinking every night and have reined myself back in so having 3 or 4 nights off during the week, aiming for 4.....and trying not to get too arseholed at weekend either, lots of soda water in between alcohol or I am sure I could go down a very slippery slope very quickly xxx
That's what I need to get back too to, used to only have a glass or two on a fri or sat night, not sure how it crept into most evenings!
Would only be a worry if you find you have to have that glass every night IMHO
You could test it by NOT having it for a week & see how you feel. Shloer do a nice grape juice 
Don't know if my 'hapoth is of any use
BTW - we put 2 rads in our conservatory and now we live in it!!!!
Thanks Helen, don't feel like I have too... but then is it easy to distinguish between have & wanting, thats what I have been asking myself!! Your 'hapoth is always of use babes....
An extra rad would be cheaper than a log burner!
Cant really answer that, hun, as I have been asking that question myself.
Glad everything else is going well and well done on the weight loss.
Pam xxx
Thanks Pam, I guess I feel if I'm questioning myself about it then I shouldn't really be doing it! xx
I bumped into an old friend 'I don't smoke, drink and am low carb now' to say he was gob smacked is an understatement.
i think though drinking everyday is a habit and yes maybe you should try and have 2drink free days between drinking days? But suppose its easier I'd than done
I think thats the thing I don't tend to have back to back clear days.... its usually one on one off type pattern!
Agree with above, it is a very slippery slope and depending on glass sizes your already over your weekly unit limits..
I got into drinking every night to chill out after work last summer...thankfully one night after polishing off another bottle to myself I had a wake up call!
The next few days were difficult, I craved wine like nobody's business!
Now I have wine maybe once a week, and not to excess......it scared me to death that I'd already started down the slope with hardly realising!
If your thinking it you must be feeling it? You've already given yourself the answer x
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Thanks hun.... yes I said that in an answer further up, if I'm questioning it then it can't be good for me! So easily done tho isn't it!
As the above!!! Maybe just make a few nights wine free?? x
Thanks hun.... had one last night. x
As you know, I love red wine more than life itself

and could happily drink it every night - but then I'd never get out of bed.
Because of my sinus issues, I've given red up (waaaaahhhhh!) and swapped to white but only have some 2-3 nights a week. Probably because I don't like it as much
See I wouldn't if it was white either!!
I hear what you're saying re the vino Linz. As you know I am with Lady Felsham on this, worship the stuff but I do try to keep it to weekends. Some weeks I might have a glass or 2 mid week. HAve to admit that as I am on hols and a bit fed up I have been having it every night but feeling like I should have a dry night LOL
I think thats the thing with the kids being off it feels like it is a holiday even tho I'm still working!!
On a hellishly serious note..... My MIL passed away 2yrs ago of alcohol related issues.....she had a glass a day, or so we thought.....it crept up and got her. She would never in her 30's have thought drink could have swallowed her up. Sad but really it could happen to anyone!
I think thats the thing it kind of crept up on me that I was having a drink most nights!
Right back atcha. xx
Morning Linz... Hope you figure out the alcohol question... Some great feedback from the guys as usual ... Have a great day! Xxx
Thanks hun... I think so, see below
Afternoon B. x
As a big fan of the grape I found I was drinking 5 nights out of 7 most weeks so knocked it on the head (until last week but I'm over that now lol) Now I find I sleep much better and as I'm VLCDing it's all about the calories so I'm not going to cave again as it slows the loss too much.
I'm hoping that the sleeping better will come as I had an awful nights sleep last night with no wine!
I actually had a dry night last night , I am surprised that my local of license didnt ring to check if I was ok !!LOL I have a cold so may even have another one tonight.
Me too... I'm contemplating another one tonight although I know hubby will have a drink as its the start of the long weekend!
Surprised how I've weaned myself off alcohol - always went so well with a Chinese - daily! Thank the lord it's in the past... For the moment - and I don't want to disturb the sleeping monster!! Lol
ha ha no best let it ;lie!
Thanks everyone for your input, advice etc etc.... I think I had been answering my own question by even wondering if it was ok, I am not going to drink Sun-Thurs (after the Easter weekend) as thats what I used to do, somehow I allowed day by day it to creep up.
Its been aamazing chatting with friends who do the same & I wonder if we hit a point in our lives with routines (whatever it maybe work/kids etc) that we become bored or disinterested & a little bit of merriness in a bottle just takes the edge of things!! I have decided that I have probably replaced a food addiction with my glasses of wine & although I do believe wholeheartedly I am not addicted to wine it was becoming a replacement for something..... so I am going to take up running, have never entertained the idea before but I have the village green right outside my front door & should take advantage of it, besides my promise to myself about getting back into swimming still hasn't materialised so running I wouldn't really have any excuse!!
Mind you saying about how wine is 'bad' for us, I had a dry night last night, woke 3 times during the night with vivid dreams, woke this morning with a stonking headache, sore throat & itchy eyes!! Go figure!!
Had my end of financial year review at work today & I think my boss is very pleased with my results, even more so that I'm only part-time which is always good to hear, especially as one of my dreams last night was how I'd lost him money & he was giving me my marching orders!!
Hope yr all doing well & looking forward to the long Easter weekend... I know I am plus I have leave on Tues which is fab!