Oh that looks lovely Linz, what a perfect spot for the kids to play in
And well done on continuing to run, glad Jakey went with you
Yeah they love it..... even if it is a bit chilly on the morning!
Wow - what an uber organised mum and house. Ours is rather more of a tip with DDs stuff sneaking in everywhere!
Well done on the running
Thanks hun..... I wasn't so organised with one child but having one of each... half a ton of dinosaurs & half a ton of dolls means it has to be! Green drawers Jakey, Pink drawers Amalie!!
Am loving the running thanks hun. x
Is that an IKEA sofa I spy - if so we had that one! Loved it but it lost all it's colour while it lived in the conservatory with us
PS Forgot to ask - how did you get on with the stay-awake littl'un?
Yes its an IKEA one.... already quite faded so not fussed about it fading even more, tis very comfy tho & fits all of us on with space too!
She's still not great on the sleeping but we're working on it..... this week there is special swimming with Mummy if there is good swimming & no tears & tantrums after school!!
Morning Linz - hope you're enjoying your weekend - looks like you've been busy x
Thanks hun, been a good weekend, we shifted everything last weekend so have been living with it for a week so far & the general concensus is a thumbs up!
Your house is so lovely Linz

Awww bless you hun..... its very knackered looking! Needs TLC!
Hi all
Good weekend, yesterday we were out & about alot, Paul needed some new glasses so thats us brassic again over £800 on one pair for him, he basically can't see in front of his face without them!! Wandered around the shops, played at the park with the kids...... Then today we did homework, cut the grass, had a roast & played some games.
Am hoping this week will bear some different results, sleeping, remembering, no whineing, concentrating etc etc.... kids treat will be swimming at the weeken if they do good!!
My little nephew is in for an op on his boy bits on Tuesday... apparently his hole is not where it should be.... considering how touch & go it was with him nearly 2 years ago young Solomon has come an incredibly long way!!
My MiL also has an op on Tues, she has a tumour in her bladder so they have to investigate to find out if its melignant or benign...... she's already beaten bowel cancer so we're hoping for a good result with this & that its noting to worry about!! Its only 6 months since my Dad got the all clear from bladder cancer.... too much of the big C around these days!
Busy week ahead but thats par for the course these days..... am looking forward to catching up with some friends on Saturday, so its worth working thru the crappier bit to get to that reward!!!
Catch up with you all real soon. xx