Back to SW again
Close, MommyB, Cancer 
Bless you for listing...... I could probably double your list truth be told, very definately an all or nothing girl which I guess is why I have done well on a VLCD - eat nothing and then Atkins - eat all!!Good to see you thinking and analysing.....
It doesn't hurt occasionally and I totally agree with replacing one addiction with another....most of us here have probably got addictive personalities due to the issues we have with food!!
My addictions have gone as follows...
Gave up
Pregnancy (everything was baby related, books, mags etc etc)
Gave birth
Weight Loss with WW 4 stone off
Gave up smoking again
Diagnosed with IBS
Bingeing/smoking again!!
Weight gain
LL - obsessed with the scales
Jewellery making
Piled weight on again
Bought every home related/craft mag ever and started things, bought all the tools for the jobs/crafts but never finished them!!
Applied for current job and got obsessed with exercise.....
Got into job piled weight on
Changed role started smoking after 5 years stopped!
Piled masses of weight on with drinking wine every night...even used to have it when I got home in the morning after a night shift!!
Started Exante....
IBS disappeared!
Switched to Atkins... It's the most stable I've been over 6 months!! Oh and took up photography and dream work... But I'm really enjoying these and not obsessing over them! I feel settled![]()
God how scary is it looking at that lot above in black and white!!!
There's my obsessions in a nut shell over the years!
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I'm always replacing one thing with another!Oh wow! I must have a go of this.....I know I have an addictive personality, just never thought about replacement!
Me too Suze.... wish I had staying power!Wow Jo, what a list, I share quite a few of those!
And you are absolutely right, we all have some issue or other, that's why we're hereMy trouble is getting bored and sticking with things. Answers on a post(card) please
I'm hoping to find a suitable alternative too. xYes, replacement is such a big thing when you give up something you love/are addicted to. I have replaced most of mine with music and live gigs, dance classes and a bit of a crush but they are all legal and keeping me going on the right side lol xxxx
I wouldn't have come so far or succeeded on my journey if it wasn't for my friends & the support on here!Morning Linz... What a topic!! ... so much rational thought and self analysis !! And really comforting to know that there are so many other folk going through / gone through those obsessions!
Isn't this place great?? !! Xxx
Awwww bless you hun, sometimes exposing secrets about ourselves can do that!It sure is a great place, however, I'm feeling a little naked after my confessions!! x
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Amen sister!No need, we've all been there( or still are!)
Me too but longer!Yes don't be worried Jo, my list is pretty similar![]()
Phew thats made me feel better!I could probably squeeze a lot more into it! That's the scary thing! x
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Seems we're all very similar!Bet we all could Jo xxx
We all seem to be doing the same kind of things!Sorry to kidnap your thread Linz - but I didn't want you feeling on your own, Jo, and was thinking about my OCD list about 4 this morning (as you do) - so here goes...
Smoking - reduced from 20 a day to about 5 (until alcohol plays a par, then the sky's the limit!). Will keep until I get other things under control
Alcohol - way, way, way too much of it, for years and years. The recent Evening of Mad Texting made me realise I don't know when to stop - so it's Day 4 of Detox. Keep reminding me how much money I'll save!
Exercise - wish I was ocd about this one!I will do almost anything to avoid it.
House buying - gone on about that enough
Kids/blokes - always thought I'd have a family but it never happened and now having kids isn't an option - but Orbit is a lovely substitute - wouldn't mind meeting someone though (maybe)
Projects - I get very mad keen on things, do lots of research, talk the big talk, buy stuff for it - then get bored after a while. Recent examples are - weight loss, healthy cooking, chemical free way of life...
So, not too much to sort out...![]()
Split personality....... & they're big & beautiful both of them!!Lady Felsham, are you a gemini by any chance ??
We sure need the strength of each other don't we!You guys are just SO lovely!! I know what you mean Jo... That naked vulnerability I feel if I think I'm revealing too much!
But we're all here to make this work together ... And that's why this place is so brilliant because we can say it like it is and there's no judgment... And most people have already got every imaginable tee shirt hanging up in their wardrobe.
If it wasn't for my crippling arthritis that was getting increasingly worse I wouldn't ever have been able to start a diet... I'd still be 22st, size 32/34 and my life would be shrinking into a Chinese take away and wine and Galaxy... That demon is still lurking waiting to pounce - I can feel it/him today as I must have had hidden sugars/carbs yesterday and Im starting to crave stuff...
Thank god for all of you !! Xxx
Thanks Doll, its been a very lovely but busy one. xMorning Gawjuss..
Happy Easter to you and your lovely family xx
Its been perfect B, well apart from having to work!Afternoon Linz, hope you are having a lovely Easter xxxx
Thanks Lisa, its been fab apart from 3 mini eggs I have been well behaved! (ish)Morning Linz. Hope you're having a lovely Easter with the kiddies.
Sounds like you have been having a fab time babes!!Hiya Linz, great to "see" you
Hoping you are having a fab family easter - i'm happy as just having a break from DD today while she is in kids club. She's been pretty good but we've been dragging her sightseeing plus stuck all together in hotel rooms for over a week now.....