★★★★ The Water Babes Thread - Team 9 ★★★★

I've just suggested Lins to you on Facebook Kel :)

Feeling a bit better now thanks :) Having my hot tetra and had another big glass of water.

I just randomly decided to make an omelette for hubby. I am not a great cook really, and normally have no inclination to cook, but it came out really well! He says it's yummy, am feeling quite proud LOL!

And the even better thing is not once did I feel upset it wasn't for me, or crave it etc.. I may be slightly insane?!

The sun is still shining and now I wish I was somewhere hot, lying on a beach. :sigh::cool:
Does anyone have Paint Shop Pro? I think we need a Waterbabes badge thing for our sigs! I wish I still had it, it's the only bad thing about my Macbook!
hey afternoon all, babies asleep, ah lovely hehe It's bloody hard work pushing a pushchair in the snow!! no need to run tonight haha.

Are you all on facebook then?
I certainly am!! (see my sig!)

Just picked Ellie up, it's still pretty cold out there! I don't envy you pushing a buggy in the snow!! haha!!
Afternoon everyone, I have facebook too, here is the link http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=1271471143&ref=profile Feeling a bit like Sarah today, diet is going fine but really can't be bothered to do anything, supposed to be working but it is too cold. We only own half of our business so I can't just take time off willy nilly but have just booked tomorrow and friday off as holiday. Got the rayburn burning well and just about to have a lovely hot bath, got extra porridge this week so going to have porridge for tea. Supposed to be going swimming tonight but I think I will have an early night instead. Roll on the summer, I hate the cold weather, the snow was lovely but just too cold.....oh how grumpy do I sound (LOL!!)
Oh....I have photoshop and Becky is ace at designing, she just finished a two year diploma in Art & Design, I could get her to do us a siggy.....she has just applied for a job as a trainee graphic designer.
Yes, that would be great! We need a Team Siggy :)

Enjoy your bath and early night xx
Check out my avatar!! My friend very kindly knocked it up for me, feel free to pinch it :)


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Aww WOW, that Sig is bloody genius!! xx

How is everyone? Better I hope!

Lins I have added ya.. x

Well I am on cloud 9, :D:D Went to work this afternoon & had nothing but compliments, the diet seems soooo worth it now!!
I wore clothes I havent worn in donkeys so had a pair of pinstripe black trousers, white shirt & fitted tuxedo style black jacket with my heels, EVERYONE commented on the way I looked, couple of the lasses thought I had been for a interview (which I have let them think that) 1 of the sales lads said I looked skinny & 1 of the technicians said 'jesus kel, how much weight have you lost'!! :D:D:D:D:D
Probably coz the past few weeks its been that cold I have wore my coat in the garage, so ya couldnt see the shape of me body.. lol
I felt a million dollars.. :D:D:D

I LOVE CD...................
Oh that sounds fabulous! I can't wait for that feeling!!

Well done, you deserve the compliments!!! xx
Aww WOW, that Sig is bloody genius!! xx

How is everyone? Better I hope!

Lins I have added ya.. x

Well I am on cloud 9, :D:D Went to work this afternoon & had nothing but compliments, the diet seems soooo worth it now!!
I wore clothes I havent worn in donkeys so had a pair of pinstripe black trousers, white shirt & fitted tuxedo style black jacket with my heels, EVERYONE commented on the way I looked, couple of the lasses thought I had been for a interview (which I have let them think that) 1 of the sales lads said I looked skinny & 1 of the technicians said 'jesus kel, how much weight have you lost'!! :D:D:D:D:D
Probably coz the past few weeks its been that cold I have wore my coat in the garage, so ya couldnt see the shape of me body.. lol
I felt a million dollars.. :D:D:D

I LOVE CD...................

excellent:D:D:D can;t wait for that to happen, no wonder your over the moon hun x

I have requested you and sarah as frineds on facebook:D tracey I couldn't get your link to open?
I've accepted :D
Oooh why the secrecy? Do they know you are dieting?
Oooh why the secrecy? Do they know you are dieting?

they know I am dieting (well a few) but only 2-3 close friends know I am doing cd. Because I am always on a diet:sigh: I just know when I tell anyone, they will say, how long will this one last:sigh:

Once I have lost the weight I am sure I will shout loud and proud I'm on CD heehee, only alot of people have issues with VLCD, I am lucky though as my doctor is very supportive (even though I am on ss+)

I am up so early haha, it's snowing again, waiting for the school closure list now! One of my childminded children is off sick:rolleyes: my 7:30am start found out about 15 mins ago, so tired, but chilling with a cuppa:D depending on the weather, I may not be able to get my other children at 12pm as the roads look horrid already, will have to walk down to the main road and see what it's like down there, nothing like a good treck in the snow to work them legs eh!!

right then, I am sure I will be around a bit today then haha

Go day 38:vibes::vibes:

How's everyone today? I had a sneaky look on the scales this morning and whispers I was 12st12.8lb omg that 2lb since tues yeah hope it keeps going!! made up for only 2 1/2lb this week and in the 12's:worthy:

can't wait for Monday now when I see cdc:D
School just rang and is closed, looks like we've got more snow than a few days ago. I think it will be a day of housework and catching up with the washing...thats if the pipes aren't frozen.

Emma, you're around about the same weight as me and we both have the same target, I am aiming for a steady 3-4lbs a week and then I will be down to my goal for my birthday (22nd April). Next week we are AAMW and really looking forward to it. By the way hubby lost 5lbs this week (total 2 stone 2lbs in 4 weeks). Off for my cuppa tea and yummy porridge now! Speak to you all later.
Morning Chickens!!

Well I am off today so gonna sort out all my bedroom, needs a bloody good sort out..

Tracey & Sarette - Hope ya feeling more yaselves today.. ;)

Berry I can understand bout not telling ya mates bout CD, to be honest wish I didnt tell everyone as I think the pressure is more on, plus I have a lass at work that always has to justify why just healthy eating will make you lose weight & she could never be on a VLCD, BORE OFF WILL YA LUV.. Cant wait till I am at goal, will be totally strutting my stuff at work, Her face was a picture yesterday when I got compliments.
I will add ya in a mo, my FB is soooooooo slow..

School just rang and is closed, looks like we've got more snow than a few days ago. I think it will be a day of housework and catching up with the washing...thats if the pipes aren't frozen.

Emma, you're around about the same weight as me and we both have the same target, I am aiming for a steady 3-4lbs a week and then I will be down to my goal for my birthday (22nd April). Next week we are AAMW and really looking forward to it. By the way hubby lost 5lbs this week (total 2 stone 2lbs in 4 weeks). Off for my cuppa tea and yummy porridge now! Speak to you all later.

It must be really bad where you are then!! Its just frosty here today monday was bad..

Us 3 are all a similar weight, You 12.7, me 12.6 berry 12.12..
What are your targets? x
School just rang and is closed, looks like we've got more snow than a few days ago. I think it will be a day of housework and catching up with the washing...thats if the pipes aren't frozen.

Emma, you're around about the same weight as me and we both have the same target, I am aiming for a steady 3-4lbs a week and then I will be down to my goal for my birthday (22nd April). Next week we are AAMW and really looking forward to it. By the way hubby lost 5lbs this week (total 2 stone 2lbs in 4 weeks). Off for my cuppa tea and yummy porridge now! Speak to you all later.

nice that the school phoned!! I have been listening for an hour on the radio!!

It's my birthday 2nd April!! 29!! not going be be 30 and fat next year I am aiming for end of May (although before would be great!) as hubby is graduating:D

Very similar stats!! albeit, me a bit shorter:p

Kelly, good luck with the bedroom, if anything like mine I would avoid haha!!

Right off to have some porridge then play in the snow yeah!!!!