★★★★ The Water Babes Thread - Team 9 ★★★★

Morning babes!!

I AM IN THE 14's!! Only just lol, but YAY!! 21lbs (1.5 stone) gone forever :D It feels so much more do able now for some reason!

No more snow here, just drizzle. There's still a bit of ice on the ground, and a snowman down the road is still standing, although his head has shrunk and he now looks like Beetlejuice at the end of the film lol!

Tracey, very well done to your hubby! Hope you all have fun in the snow!

Kel, good luck tidying your room! I keep putting mine off as it's so bad!! I might do it when I get in later... unless I can find something better to do of course..

Emma, I can understand your secrecy. I always feel that people think that about me, but this time I really don't care! I want to be a CDC, so I'm quite happy to tell people what I am doing, in the hope they won't judge me becoming a counsellor.. or something like that anyway. Have fun in the snow! I made a snowman with the kids on Monday, and my legs are still aching today!

I want to be in the 12's, I feel left out :( You'll all desert me in a couple of months!! *sobs* ;)

I'm off to see my CDC at 10am. Need to collect my packs. I said to her last week I was aiming for a 4lb loss, I've actually lost 5lbs on my scales since last Thursday, so fingers crossed :) That figure is what I use for the Easter challenge, it's oh so complicated!!

Right, must go and check my email!

S xx
Morning babes!!

I AM IN THE 14's!! Only just lol, but YAY!! 21lbs (1.5 stone) gone forever :D It feels so much more do able now for some reason!

I want to be in the 12's, I feel left out :( You'll all desert me in a couple of months!! *sobs* ;)

I'm off to see my CDC at 10am. Need to collect my packs. I said to her last week I was aiming for a 4lb loss, I've actually lost 5lbs on my scales since last Thursday, so fingers crossed :) That figure is what I use for the Easter challenge, it's oh so complicated!!

S xx

Huge Well Done Chick, 13's Bring it on, You are doing so well.... xxxx

My goal is 10 stone, I was really skinny as a child and only started to put weight on when I had kids, before then and when we got :love047: I was under 9 stone. When 1 left school I worked with horses for years and could eat whatever I wanted and NEVER put any weight on. After having my first two children I went up to about 11 and a half stone then dieted and got down to 9st 2lbs for our 10th Wedding Anniversary (Re-newed our wedding vows), then over the next 12 years I have steadily put more weight on and had two more children. I can honestly say that I haven't been this light (12st 7lbs) for about 4 years or more and it feels great. I think that 10 st is a really realistic target, maybe I might want to go a bit lower but when I got down to 9st 2lbs it was really hard....had a size 10/12 wedding dress to get into. Waht is your target????


Well done for getting into the 14's...and losing a stone and a half!! I really want to be a CDC too when hubby and I are to target...I think you have to be nominated by another CDC. I really would like to help people lose weight and this diet is FAB!


I know what you mean about not telling people about CD, I have some friends who I haven't told and I saw a couple of them yesterday and they noticed how much weight I had lost, but I still didn't go in to too much detail about the diet as I still have a way to go. Some of my friends know as it is all over my facebook anyway!

Sounds like you have snow too, were in wiltshire and woke up to about 7ins of snow. Hope you're able to do your 12 o,clock pick ups. I have a fab childminder, looks after Maddy 8.30 - 5.30 wed, thurs, fri & sat. Don't know what I'd do without her.

Be back on later.
Well my 1st target is to reach 11.7, then will prob wanna be 10.7, Ideally I would love to be 10st, but when I think I would of lost 5st 7lb that is just unreal!! so at the mo that seems a million miles away, need to be 12.3 to reach my lowest weight in donkeys years!! :eek:

Well bit gutted & upset at the mo as It looks like Keith is gonna lose his job! He works for Petroplus in the Drawing Office.
Out of the 8 sites they have all over the place they are only shutting his as its loosing money, so had a meeting today & its been up for sale but dont think no-1 is gonna buy! So its anything from 3-6 months & he will be out of a job!! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
He is totally trashed!! Even more trashed as we really wanted a house very very soon...
Daren't plan anything now just incase he cant get another job that soon..
Really gutted!!!

Just had a call from one of my sisters and the LaFarge cement works which employes loads of people in the area (inc 2 of my brother-laws) have just announced they will be shutting in 5 months time. Luckily both of them have been there a long time and will get hefty redundancy pay-outs but it will be hard for them to find replacement jobs as they both were om 30k+. Sorry to hear Keith will be out of a job soon. Really don't know whats happening tothis country....such a worry!
Hello there,

I have just got back from seeing my CDC and I am pleased tp announce that with a rocky start I still managed to lose 4lb and I am very pleased. I needed to be realistic with my expectations and considering I was only 100% for 2 days out of the 7 due to me not tellin Wayne etc I feel quite proud of myself. I have waved goodbye to the 27s for good!!!

I am sooooooooo jealous of you guys!
I wish I was 12 something I can tell ya but never mind, I need to keep focussed and stay positive and I know I will get there in the end!!

I woke up to a small blanket of snow but it has pretty much all gone now.

My heart goes out to all the people who have had bad news about their jobs. It must be a real worry.

Off to the gym now before I pick my little girls up from nursery.

Doc has signed me off uni for a couple of weeks to help me recharge my batteries and sort myself out!!


Well done Lins, think how much you can lose next week by being 100%!!

I officially lost 4lbs, so very pleased with that, but still going with my scales on my ticker :)

I went to Tesco on the way back and stocked up with water, mags and bought some green tea with peppermint, and it's surprisingly nice!

So sorry Kel and Tracey for the job losses, such an awful time at the moment, I don't enjoy reading the paper much anymore :(

Well Done Girlies, Brill results.. ;)
Lins I have a feeling next wk will be your week if your 100%.. :D

Tracey - Sorry to hear your family is in the same boat.

Just hoping a job comes along his way before he gets finished! :confused:

Well I have sorted out half of my room but packed in now as my back is giving me jip, its got its own heartbeat.. Gonna take some of my Back pills which will probably knock me out for a few hours..
Need to be a bit better as Going to get me hair coloured tonight, greys are getting shocking, also Cut me cousins hair & collect some Avon books..

Oh forgot to say I am back at the dentist tomorrow to get me wisdom tooth out, :cry: Just after what he said 2 weeks ago, I am petrified incase the nerve comes out by accident as I will be left with a paralysed lip.. :cry:

ttfn girlies..


I have got a couple of weeks off uni so I will make sure i keep busy and go to the gym too. Will try and drink more water and have a few early nights. I have been feeling really tired and drained to be honest. I don't know how I have managed to get out of bed some mornings this week. Oh well, onwards and upwards. I was so pleased and relieved when the scales didn't say 27st anymore.
Well done everyone on the losses!!!

Well I am feeling quite down today, Dunno why!!
Got weighed this morning & lost no more weight,
I havent been to the 'loo' for a few days now either..

Well I am soooooooo nervous bout this afternoon, I hardly slept last night through worrying bout getting wisdom tooth out.. I have a phobia of needles to begin with.. :cry:
I am gonna take some kalms to try & chill me out a bit..

Anyway try & forget bout it for now, so is it snowing where you all are still? Was snowing last night but now its sunny!! lol..
Hi Kel,

Try not too worry to much about the dentist, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Don't feel too down about staying the same, I bet you get a good loss next week. I was reading a book my CD gave me about how the CD started and all about the diet and it says that when you are in ketosis and have weeks when you don't lose very much then it is very probable that you have lost fat but retained water, eventually your body will get rid of the water and you will see the results on the scales.

We woke up to get more snow, all the schools closed, we've got about 7 inches and its still snowing. Nearly all the shops are closed as the roads haven't been treated cause wiltshire is running out of salt!!

Take care and try not too worry about the dentist.
Aww Kel, be brave hun and good luck xx

We had a bit of snow falling here this morning when the kids went to school but it's stopped now and is all melting :)

Just been into town and picked up a few holiday brochures, so am off to look through those now :)

Oh and another 1lb gone this morning! SOOOO pleased :D

Keep glugging babes!! xx
afternoon, Kelly:hug99:I had all mine taken out when I was 18 and know just how you feel! (too wise for them girl, thats why they are taking them out:D)

Tracey, sounds like my area this week, although today is stunning, the sun is out, kids back at school, children asleep :D Calming down here (so the forcast said, but we shall see)

well done s x I am flicking through the new ll mag, all about sex this month haha hubby will be please:rolleyes::p have fun flicking through your hol mags grr not jealous

hey hey to lins and CJ hope your both okay

I'm okay today, feeling tired and got a huge headache so just taken some tablets and drinking more water (didn't have enough yesterday:eek:)

got a big function on tomorrow for hubby's work, it's a partners function so a bit scared about going by myself (but will know people there phew) then on to an evening receiption (yep, food arrhh but I will have some, just drinking water though, I have gotten through this before, and there is a free bar:cry: haha)

Looking forward to dressing up, have a new suit for the day and a lovely prom style black dress, I think these will be some 6 week photos to add on here:D:D

anyway, I go on and on and on..............................................

have a good day ya'll
Good afternoon babes,

I'm good thanks, just very very tired. I had an early night last night and feel worse!!!

Just getting my bag ready cos I take the girls swimming on a friday and they love it. Samara is a little nutter and won't really let you hold on to her but Yasmine is very weary. I finally managed to get her to kick her legs and float in the water only holding one of my hands and with her water wings on. She is so clingy.

Hope all went ok at the dentist for you today Kel. I'm a bit of a tart when it comes to needles, especially when they're in ya gum.

I will try and get to bad early again tonight and see if it makes any difference.
Good afternoon,

I am so bored today, can't go anywhere as the track is so deep with snow, tried both the car and the van put neither of them can get through the snow. Dave will have to get up really early tomorrow morning and get the tractor out to clear the track so guests can get here. Maddy is enjoying an extra day at home with us as usually she is at the childminders on a friday. When I got up this morning there was a young Deer in the garden eating the hedge it was really cute, he was very fluffy and had little baby antlers, I'm going to drag Dave out for a walk in the woods and see if we can find some Deer to take photos of. On a positive note, I've got loads of housework and washing done today. Hope everyone is having a good day. Plus the scales were down to 12st 5lbs this morning YAY.
Well done Tracey!!

Kel, how are you?? How did it go??

Lins, hope you enjoyed swimming and have got your early night!

Emma, we will definitely be wanting to see those piccies! And thanks for mentioning the new LL mag, I was wondering when it would be out!

Did nothing all afternoon really, still deciding on holiday. Ellie is so excited already and wants to go tomorrow lol!! Why oh why did I mention it to her, she's going to go on about it every day!

No idea what we are up to this weekend, depends on the weather really I guess!
