★★★★ The Water Babes Thread - Team 9 ★★★★

hey, I am very nervous, just painting my nails for today! Hubby has taken the kids out so I can have a bit of me time getting ready (creep, only on tap, ballet and football run, which I normally run around doing!but seeing as he offered I let him sort the kids out, which was very funny, I had to step in!!)

my stomache is churning for this receiption, arrhhhh!!! right off to do my hair slow time to make it stay there all day haha

have a fab weekend, I prob won;t be around now till Mon/tues boohoo

And go the water babes for this weeks weigh ins!! I sent mine to CJ if not they are on this post! I was 13st 3, Tues weigh in 13 1/2lb so 2 1/2 lb for this week

Not sure if JS is are new team leader yet??

have a good one xxx
Morning babes! Have a fabulous time Emma!!

My weigh in is in the morning, so will post my result them.

We're off out today, hope I can still drink my water - i hate not being near a loo :(

Laters babes xxx
Good evening girls,

I am feeling really cold today and looking forward to a nice hot bath and snuggling up in front of telly tonight! Still 100% but looking forward to AAMW which starts on Wednesday night. First meal is going to be chicken breast which I'm going to do with the spicy tomato soup as a sauce, brocolli, cauliflower and cabbage.

Emma I hope the reception goes really well and you have a great time.

Hope everyone else has a great weekend and that Kel is taking some strong painkillers and taking it easy.
Week 5 weigh in, lost 4lbs! I am now 14st 12lbs.

Off out, hope you are all ok! xx
Hi Everyone,

Working today out in the cold, wrapped up well with thermals and loads of layers, well no more snow but still loads here as nothing has melted yet, just very icy and crunchy on top of the snow.

Sarah, excellent loss this week, well done you're doing so well.

Kel, how are you feeling??????

What is everyone up to today? It's very quiet on here today.

I weighed yesterday morning as it was exactly 1 month on the diet and I have lost 1 stone 10lbs and hubby has lost 2 stone 5lbs - never ever thought we would loose that much in our first month.

Gotta go back to work now, just had a lovely spicy tomato soup for my lunch.
CONGRATULATIONS SARETTE on being our biggest loser this week!

between us we lost over a stone!

Can we get a definitive new team leader for next week? if you can all pm me with either volunteering or nomination by weds I can hand things over - its really easy to do I'm just really struggling for time (and on CD) at the mo

thanks Babes
Hiya Girls,

Firstly Well done for the losses girls..
Well done Sarette for the biggest loser..
Hope you are all ok & had a fab weekend..

Well I have been in bed all weekend in so much pain.. :cry:
When I went to the dentist friday he basically said that the nerve was less than a mm away from my tooth so do I want to go to the hospital to have it out!! but he basically said they wont do anything different apart from I will be awake when he takes it out & it could take up to 10 months on the waiting list, I couldnt stand the pussing to go on for that long so I said just take it out!!
He injected me quite a few times then I waited for it to take affect, then got called back in, If I knew how they took it out I would of went to the hospital, it was brutal, he used what looked like a screwdriver, "a bit of pressure here kel" he said, aww my god I thought it was gonna come out the bottom of my mouth. Then I started feeling pain so he gave me more injections, 15 mins later of pulling, pressure etc he said he didnt realise how hard it was gonna be he thought it was gonna be a simple extraction, (nothing goes right for me) he then asked his assistant for a scalpel, he said the gum is so tight around the tooth he will have to cut it open, :eek: I could taste the blood running down my throat, was awful.. I started to panic at this point as he was struggling to get it out!!
Anyway after what seemed like forever he finally got it out, he showed me, the tooth was huge & had like a weird hook on the bottom which is why it wasnt simple to take out.. I felt relieved but with all the pulling & pushing he done he managed to chip my tooth infront of my wisdom tooth. :cry:
Anyway he packed my mouth & I made another appointment to come back in 2 weeks, walked out the dentist & burst out crying & I couldnt stop, I sat in my car, I felt sick, I was shaking. Was awful. Came home & went for a lie down, I took the pack out of my mouth & it was swimming in blood, he said it should stop in half an hour. I looked in my mouth, the hole is huge especially as he had cut my gum 4 times..
Keith called in the way home & I started crying again, I went over his with him, I couldnt eat, I couldnt drink, it hurt too much.. Mouth was still bleeding & I phoned the dentist as this was a good 3hrs after, he said just see how it is tomorrow, bla bla.. So I decided to take the tablets I take when my back is bad which is tramadol & naproxen.. they are quite strong together which I come to realise later in the night as I went the loo & nearly passed out, I started shaking, went hot but cold clammy, Keith managed to carry me in the room & lay me on the bed with the window wide open. It must of been coz I took my tablets on a empty stomach..

Anyway all weekend I have been in bed with a hot water bottle superglued to my cheek.

I have to say girls I have hardly drank & hardly ate but when I have ate it hasnt been CD as I tried to eat mushy food so I had something on my stomach for my tablets..
So until my mouth is better girls I will only be having a pack a day & will be eating soft foods..
Sorry I feel as though I will be letting the group down & I will prob put on next week, especially as I have hardly drank any water as cant drink anything cold or anything hot.

Anyway I am going to the doctors tomorrow as I think I have an infection still under the hole, I stuck a wet cotton bud in & there was blood clots, pus, skin, all sorts in there.. It tastes rank, it keeps seeping in my mouth, I cant sleep, cant eat or drink properly, the pain is still too much to bear, just feel like crying!!
My mouth is so badly bruised where he has injected me & I have ulcers & blisters all around the hole where he took it out..

Wish I never got the bloody thing out, Not worth it.. :cry:

Sorry for the moan girls, just feel so pissed off & down!!

Kel, sorry to hear you've had such an awful time, ((HUGS)) my sister uses to be a dental nurse and she said wisdom teeth can be really hard to get out. Don't be silly about not being able to follow CD for a little while, the most important thing is to get yourself well again. You've done brilliant with your weight loss.....an inspiration to all of us. Glad to hear your going to get the hole checked out by the doctor tomorrow, especially as you've being feeling so poorly. Hope you feel better soon. ((HUGS)) again.
Thanks for the lovely reply Tracey.. ;)

Well its half 4 & I havent had much sleep due to the pain yet again!! I have tossed & turned all night for the 3rd night in a row I am shattered but the pain is just to much. I could cry.. :cry:
Really hope the doctor can give me something tomorrow..

Oh god that sounds horrid :( You poor thing Kel :( Make sure you do see the Dr and I hope he gives you something for the pain. Don't worry about the CD side, you have done so well, and you just need to get better xxx

CJ, thanks for doing the results this week, you've been much appreciated. I think Tracey would make a fab replacement for you :) xx

Morning all. Day 37 for me today. Another lb gone this morning, yay! Not really got anything planned today. Will definitely get started on the second Twilight book though as I finished the first one at 12.30 am this morning - couldn't put it down, fantastic book.

Have a great day all xx
Good morning,

Kel, You poor thing, just make sure the doctors give you some really strong painkillers xx

Sarah, well done for getting hightest loser, your going great, the scales are going down for me too even though its my TOTM (luckily for me it doesn't seem to make any difference). Not doing too much today apart from housework.

Going to go through Daves clothes as his trousers keep falling down and loads of his shirts are too big - great feeling for him!!! Also having my hair done tonight, fancy having it cut short again, it a long bob at the moment, and having blond and caramel foils put in. Think Dave might have some hightlights too!
hiya girls.

I am really really sorry but I am going to be leaving the team and cd. This weekend has taught me that I am moody and dont enjoy myself as much as I used to! I had a fab weekend, but found it really hard with family up and everyone there and me not eating:sigh: I am moving onto lowcal/lowgi which is what the cd upper plans are based on.

I spoke to my cd or tried to,as I run 30-40 mins (on and off!!!) 3-4 times a week I am finding I am really dizzy after she told me not to do it, but excerise is very important to me. I will still be a member on Minimins and will be popping in and say hiya to you all

keep it going and stay strong (6 weeks enough for me haha) see you around

big hugs girls xxxxxxx
Hi Girls,

Just a quickie before I have a lay down, came home from work early as even talking was hurting my jaw! :cry:
Seen my doctor, told her everything, she had a look & said its quite a large hole so its gonna take a while to heal.
I asked why I keep going dizzy, feeling faint & getting heart palpatations & she said its coz I am in so much pain my body cant cope, so she has put me on morphine. :eek:
I will doped right up, not bothered if the pain goes..
I have to take that as well as my strong tablets..

Anyway will pop in later, By the way thanks girls for being so supportive :grouphugg:

Oh I stayed the same this week.. :)
Still 12.6.. xx

hiya girls.

I am really really sorry but I am going to be leaving the team and cd. This weekend has taught me that I am moody and dont enjoy myself as much as I used to! I had a fab weekend, but found it really hard with family up and everyone there and me not eating:sigh: I am moving onto lowcal/lowgi which is what the cd upper plans are based on.

I spoke to my cd or tried to,as I run 30-40 mins (on and off!!!) 3-4 times a week I am finding I am really dizzy after she told me not to do it, but excerise is very important to me. I will still be a member on Minimins and will be popping in and say hiya to you all

keep it going and stay strong (6 weeks enough for me haha) see you around

big hugs girls xxxxxxx

Sorry to hear your leaving the team hun, but you have to do whats best for you in the long run..

Keep popping in & letting us how ya getting on!!
You will be missed.. xx :cry:
hiya girls.

I am really really sorry but I am going to be leaving the team and cd. This weekend has taught me that I am moody and dont enjoy myself as much as I used to! I had a fab weekend, but found it really hard with family up and everyone there and me not eating:sigh: I am moving onto lowcal/lowgi which is what the cd upper plans are based on.

I spoke to my cd or tried to,as I run 30-40 mins (on and off!!!) 3-4 times a week I am finding I am really dizzy after she told me not to do it, but excerise is very important to me. I will still be a member on Minimins and will be popping in and say hiya to you all

keep it going and stay strong (6 weeks enough for me haha) see you around

big hugs girls xxxxxxx

Sorry to hear your leaving the team and CD, but please keep popping in to say hi.

Good luck for the future. xx
Hi Girls,

Just a quickie before I have a lay down, came home from work early as even talking was hurting my jaw! :cry:
Seen my doctor, told her everything, she had a look & said its quite a large hole so its gonna take a while to heal.
I asked why I keep going dizzy, feeling faint & getting heart palpatations & she said its coz I am in so much pain my body cant cope, so she has put me on morphine. :eek:
I will doped right up, not bothered if the pain goes..
I have to take that as well as my strong tablets..

Anyway will pop in later, By the way thanks girls for being so supportive :grouphugg:

Oh I stayed the same this week.. :)
Still 12.6.. xx

Kel, I had morphine when I had sciatica (sp) and it really knocked me out, make sure you take it nice and easy.... I hope you've got someone looking after you???? xx
Aww Emma :( really sorry to see you go, make sure you stay in touch, and good luck with the change over.

Kel, I could cry for you it sounds so awful! I shall send loads of virtual hugs instead, and hope the morphine helps.

Tracey, your new hair sounds lovely! I bet you feel fantastic when it's done!

I've ordered myself a new bike from Halfords with some tax I had refunded :) Just need the weather to sort itself out now! It's pouring with rain today and I need to go and collect Ellie in 40 minutes.

I want sunshine and heat!

Oh, does someone want to place an ad for a new team member?

What happened to Lins (Yasmine-Samara), did I miss a post about her leaving? I noticed she's doing a different diet now...
Oh, does someone want to place an ad for a new team member?

What happened to Lins (Yasmine-Samara), did I miss a post about her leaving? I noticed she's doing a different diet now...

oh no:( I didn;t know she had left too

sorry girls, but I have got my beady eye on you xxxx
Just make sure you keep popping in! You can be our honorary member ;)

Have you started the new plan yet? x