Ah - it's ok - i've only just logged on now anyways and it's 1pm... Today's plan is nowt - went to town to buy a new phone, got it, hated it and returned it but they wouldn't refund the top up credit that came with it of £10 even though I didn't even break the sim out the seal... I put my contract sim in there... I mean I would not have used the £10 but still they have made a tenner out of me for nothing!!!
I seem to have a real issues with phones.... grrrrrrrr. To top it off Tyler was a little ****... he ran around and off down the high street with my heart pounding...! I was in tears on phone to oh - "somebody needs to talk to this child! he doesn't listen to a word I say!!!" But what can he do when he's at work...and Tyler is only 3 (4 in June)...
Am off to the dentist for a thorough mouth scrub in a bit - luckily mother having the little scamp.... Man - am stressed... only just managed to eat also....!
lou, can sympathise, had a similar problem in asda this morning when i would not buy Noni a comic, she really seems to know which buttons to press.LOL at you on the phnoe to oh, thats me that is !! never know what i expect him to do
And to top it all had a massive row with the dentist and walked out without paying! Has caused a huge barney - poor brother who went in an hour later felt the brunt of it! Idiots.
Gosh, leave you alone for a couple of days and its all kicking off.
Well done on your 1lb off - even if it is unofficial.
Poor you with the 3yr old....it passes - honest. They do get better. I never understood that whole terrible 2's thing as mine seemed worse at the 3-4 stage. More aware of what buttons to press I think.
Was in Winchester Monday and Tuesday nights - beautiful part of the world you live in. How lucky. xx
You poor thing Lou. I can remember those tantrum years when the little darlings would throw themselves on the floor screaming until you give in. I can remember when they were in pushchair and i wanted them to sleep, i would pull their hat over the eyes so they couldn't see anything and went to sleep in the end!!:8855: I really was a quite normal mother and they have all grown up unharmed, and without ss getting involved! Hope he's asleep now and you can have a peaceful evening. Hope tommorrow works out better!
Karen x
AWWWW LOU!!!! You alright now hun!?! Stand clear folks, she's gonna blow You've still lost babe, you just had a stressful week x Better days ahead kid!!!!
Well.... I celebrated in style last night....with a 30 point dinner.... smoked salmon, new pots and veg - 8, Wine, 6, and cheesecake 15... well I ate half of it - 20! BUT I was violently sick after it all as where I have been so good for 6 weeks my stomach rejected all that food... So I may have removed a lot more than 5 points but being on the conservative side of things.... Although I had saved up for yesterday I went over by 12 points still!!! OOOOOOPS! So, 16 today, tomorrow and tuesday should see me break even.... Thinking of some exercise too... have been trying to rest my shin splints for a while and am also seeing a bout of sciatica through at the moment.... does anybody else suffer with that? I was in the bath last night for an hour with wine and a dvd and it seems to have helped my back somewhat....
So plan for today is to go for a walk in a bit. My gorgous other half is playing fifa... so I need to wait for that to finish as wanna drag him with me... we'll see.
Oh by the way - my week did get worse....had a altercation with another teacher at work... She basically repremanded me for eating my salad in the staff room and not in the dining hall.... She was so rude... funny thing is I have worked there for 18 months and her about 5! It is an alternative school so we do a lot of things different to everyday comprehensives and this involves discipline, ie: no detentions etc... so who the hell does she think she is telling me - another bloody teacher - off like I was 6! Needless to say it's sparked off a debate, I had a right winge about it at lunch with her walking in on my 'slag off' session and have also been emailed about it by the director of the school....oh happy days.
soryy your week was pants but sounds like you had a good weekend. hope the rest of it goes just as well.
the staff at our school always eat in the staff room, only occaisionally in the dinning hall, dont see the problem myself