Awww bless. Im the same. Maybe thats part of why we suffer, while those blissfully ignorant (and less considerate of others) dont? Hmm. I just know that I am always so concerned about how things (and my actions/comments etc, in particular) will affect others. Ive always been that way. See, we're just GOOD PEOPLE! lol
Oh, I really hope you dont cancel on Thursday, honey. Even if the doc DOES make light of it - SO WHAT?! Try a different doc! You know yourself best. If you are continually feeling sad and/or anxious you really must be helped. And if one doctor (is an idiot and....) wont help or makes you feel bad about it SOD 'EM! Get a second opinion! I wish I would go with you. You just need to take those first steps in getting yourself better. Youre doing it with your physical health with why shouldnt you do it with your mental health as well?

We are worth just as much as anyone else and we should really look after ourselves. Our WHOLE selves. xxx
Yep. Im American (but I have dual US/UK citizenship). Hubby is English. And kiddos are Ameri-Brits. LOL. Big ol' mixed up family we are! lol. We have to take 7 passports when we go on holiday to the USA and theres only 4 of us! hahahahha