Well done, that's an absolutely brilliant loss, I bet you're well chuffed with that :happy096:arty0038:x x x
Hello stranger, how's things going? I hope your tablets have kicked in and you're starting to feel a little more you x x x
I'm glad your meds are helping with your moods but sorry to hear they're making you queasyCan you focus on stuff more clearly now and not stress out as much? I found they let me sort out my life without getting all emotional about and getting myself in a mess. It must be hard swapping from night's to day's I'm glad I normally only do night's. On saying that when I go back I will be doing 4 nights and one day for the foreseeable future as they're badly understaffed on days at the minute as one of them has been given 4 weeks off. So I have no idea how that's going to work out for me
I bet you were gutted but at least when you do go you'll be calmer and probably better able to handle the session, they can be quite emotional. x x x
Hey Ruby! Congrats on that lossIt's such a shame you're still dealing with some nasty side effects
But really glad that you actually do feel better mentally! Hopefully your body will eventually catch up. Yours and Tace's work shifts sound horrible! Hope you have a nice weekend planned.xx
Hope you're having a good weekend and your side effects have calmed down a little x x
I'm really glad to hear the side effects are wearing offGlad you had a chilled weekend, just what you need before a manic week at work x x x
Very glad to hear the nasty side effects are calming down. And glad you had a nice relaxed weekend too. I have no idea how you guys do shift work, I really don't! Braver than mex
Glad to hear the side effect are easing. It does get easier! I take so much prozac now for my ocd I can't really tell if it's working lol ... I know if I drop down a tablet I notice things quickly! Hope the insomnia goes next! ! X Sent from my GT-I9300 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Hey shree ... Welcome aboard .. I tend to moan a lot recentlyHey guys Mind if I crash this thread? I'm a veggie following the green plan and running out of ideas for things to make! Seen some great recipes on this thread! xxx
Ouch at your knee! Had never even considered pain influencing blood sugars. God you have a lot to deal with! Hope you're ok now and glad you had a mostly uneventful weekendYou did however, like Tace, ruin it with exercise
Sorry to hear about your knee and sugars, Ian's the same the slightest thing and his sugars are all over the place. Hope your sugars come back down to where they should soon for you x x