Gold Member
I'm good thanks, back at work thoughlol x x x
Aw Tace
I'm good thanks, back at work thoughlol x x x
I really did enjoy my week off, could have done with another week though ha ha ha ha x xAw Tacewell rubbish .... Bet you enjoyed your time off tho
I knew it was crazy the amount of stuff that can affect diabetes. I just hadn't thought about pain affecting it. Glad it's a bit better and things are settling down. Diabetes is super evil! xx
I really did enjoy my week off, could have done with another week though ha ha ha ha x x
Aw tace they sound well ruff! I'm day 3 of 7 today and absolutely exhaustedWell doneI bet you're chuffed and so you should be
Poor you 7 nights
I'm doing some really strange shifts this week, today I did 7am -12 and now going back to do a 10.30-7, then tomorrow I'm doing a 12 midnight -11am and back at the night. I hope they're not too bad for you x x x
Awww noPoor youI hope you've got some proper time off after 7 days. I'm full of a cold, so I'm spending my 2 days off vegetating lol x x
Hi tace ....... Yes I survived what seemed to be the busiest set of nights iv ever done, been sooooooooo busy not had chance to check in on hereHello Mrs, hope you survived you night shifts? lol. Hope you're well x x
Oh dear, your poor eyeIan used to have lots of floaties he even gave them names lol. I hope you've got decent time off to recover. I'm full of a chest infections, feel like crap
getting ready for a 12 shift stretch starting monday. x x
I'm not too bad thanks cc ... Been on a hectic run of nights then days etc .... How are you? XxHope you're doing ok Rubyxx
Bless ya .. Any closer to finding any answers?That's a complicated answer to take over your thread with lol! I'm a bit up and down tbh, but nothing new there I suppose! Hope you're alright and the days and night shifts aren't messing you up too much.xx