♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

On the subject of sleep.....had quite a good night last night, no flushes, Dylan kept reasonable still and quiet (if I move he thinks that means I'm awake and starts purring and padding me!) so woke up feeling good:D

I know that you may not have room, but if you have, have you considered bigger beds? We've put 6 footers both here and our bedroom in France and I honestly can't believe the difference it's made. It wasn't just the space that got to me, more the totally stinking breath and generally fartiness of sleeping in such close proximity .....even though we did it for about 15 years before we got a bigger bed! Failing that I really would go for separate rooms......and a 'date' night.....nudge, nudge, wink, wink .....

When we sleep on the boat I generally toss and turn the entire night, it's like sleeping in a sardine can with a particularly smelly sardine! Sorry he's lovely really just not very fragrant first thing in the morning:eek:
Tanya, do you have a link I can use for the android ww pro points calculator please hun.

This is the one i use Mary, hope its the one you meant WeightWatchers ProPoints Calculator for your mobile phone

LOL Sandra!!!!

Last run of the week today. Getting my tattoo tomorrow and theyve told me not to run for atleast a week but im giving it 3days. They said that should be ok aslong as theres no pressure on it. Exctied, nervous & scared :eek:

Friday 21st January
*4 mile run (47mins)

B- muesli & s.s milk 6pp

*banana after run 0pp

L- baked chicken breast 6pp
150g pasta 6pp
lettuce, cucumber, red pepper 0pp
1tbsp elf mayo 1pp

*2 clemintines 0pp
*ww yog 1pp

D- Kingsmill wm roll 4pp
15g phili light garlic & herbs 1pp
lettuce 0pp
cadbury brunch bar 4pp

*5 extra strong mints 2pp

Total = 29pp
SF = 2pp used today 47pp left
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Thanks Tanya, I have saved it to my favourites for now.

I have to send my phone back tomorrow, I only bl**dy went and dropped it this afternoon and smashed the screen. Thank goodness for insurance eh! £50 excess down the drain though!
Yikes!!!!!!! How did you manage to drop it & smash the screen?
The amount of times I've dropped mine it should be well and truely buggered by now but its a tough cookie!!xx
Just completely slipped out of my hand, and its a big screen, so I guess it was easy enough to smash. I am gutted.
Bummer :( Hopefully you get it back soon xx
Good luck for your tattoo. Hope it won't be too sore but I'm sure you will be able for any pain. It will be lovely when it's done.
I want to see pics of your tattoo asap hun!!! I had to postpone mine as my little man had a development check x
Knowing me i will have a pic up within a few hours of having it done!!! :D
Good luck with the tattoo! I'm sure you'll be fine :) xx
Had 5 extra strong mints this evening in work - pointed the pack at 5 and ive still got 2/3rds of a pack so i guess i've delved about 2pp into my slush fund! So much for not using it! :doh:
That's what it's there for hon!! :) xx
Hey its only 5 mints you loony :) Its not like you gorged yourself on pizza!!
LOL true but I wanted to not use it this week and use it next week - a little experiment! :giggle: Its only 2pp so i'm not going to fret :p

Tattoo today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 22nd January

B- 2 slices wm toast 6pp
2 eggs scrambled 4pp
butter 2pp
hp sauce 1pp

*packet walkers franks fry up flavour 5pp

L/D- Salmon fillet 5pp (was bigger than usual)
red onion & tomatoes on top mixed with a little olive oil ... shall count 2pp for this to be safe.
fine green beans 0pp

*meringue nest 1pp
*ww yog 1pp
*mandarin segments, drained 0pp

Sub total = 27pp
SF= 2pp used 47pp left
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It was fine Mary. No where near as bad as I thought! There was only one place which it hurt a little and that was on the flowers towards the back of my leg.

First pic is litterally right after it being finished - ignore the dodgy look of fake tan on my legs it mustve been the lighting.


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Love the colours! :D Glad you're pleased :) xx
Cant believe my food today. Soooooooo much better than last saturday! 2nd saturday without alcohol :( Tis ok though, i've got overtime tomorrow (at my paid job) and I have to start at 7am! :eek:

Early night for me ladies, enjoy work and drinkies xx