♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

Nosy'Ness wasn't sure what these shifts are but now am now wondering if ur doing reserve policing? Totally glad ur getting such a buzz, whatever it is... X
Yeah - our Tan's just finished her training and become a 'special' ... dead proud of her :D:D xx
Hi Tanya
You're still doing brilliantly and the news about you becoming a Special is fantastic. Congrats lovie - you deserve it.

Hopefully next shift on tuesday. I want to do sooner but I think at the minute my seargent has other probationers he has to find time for too. But after these next couple of weeks (cuz theres extra training on monday and tuesday evenings for the next 2weeks) i can tell him right i'm available mondays, wednesdays, sats & suns and get me in as much as :) It was absolutly brilliant - i loved every minute even though it was very quiet. Can't wait for tuesday again now! :D

Wednesday 19th January
*6mile run

B- muesli & s.s milk 6pp (i have a different variety and points work out 1less)
*banana after run 0pp

L- 150g pasta 6pp
Pork loin 5pp
Carrot & swede mash 0pp

*1 ww yog 1pp
*1 meringue nest 1pp
*strawberries 0pp

D- wm pitta bread 4pp
15g Lf phili with garlic & herbs 1pp
50g wafer thin turkey breast slices 2pp

Total =

Slush Fund = 49pp left

Thrilled for you that you've find such a fabulous job......even if I don't know exactly how it works:confused: don't think we've got them over here......
Unfortunately it's not her 'job', she doesn't get paid :( .... but I'll butt out and let her explain ;) xx
I am thrilled. Ran the whole 6miles today, no stops in 1hr11mins :D Averaging 11.8min miles. Not bad i'm ok with that for now. I've still 18weeks and im sure there is going to be some improvement on that time. Knocked off 6mins from last weeks time.

Thanks guys ... and I wouldn't have minded you butting in Jan :)

Sandra, you probably do have Special Constables in Jersey, infact im sure you must have. Our role as Special Constables is exactly the same as a regular police officer the only difference is we don't get paid. We have all the same powers, same kit, same weapons, same everything, we are even sworn in like the regs. There is only one way that you will be able to tell if you are talking to a special and thats on our epilettes (sp?) we have SC and then our shoulder number whereas regs have just their number.

People always get us confused with pcso's and I always just explain that we can do everything a regular can do were just not on the pay roll :D
Tanya, ive been pointed in ur direction as i want to start running, im aiming for a 10k run in June then a marathon in Oct hopefully thats plenty of time to get ready!!! Any suggestions or tips for me, im basically starting from scratch, im not too out of shape just not very good at running at the mo!!!
Tanya, ive been pointed in ur direction as i want to start running, im aiming for a 10k run in June then a marathon in Oct hopefully thats plenty of time to get ready!!! Any suggestions or tips for me, im basically starting from scratch, im not too out of shape just not very good at running at the mo!!!

Hey love, i'd defo reccomend the couch to 5k programme and the once you have done that get the bridge to 10k programme. It eases you in gently to running and for me I don't think i'd be running like I am now if it wasnt for them programmes. You can get the couch to 5k downloads free online if you search for "couch to 5k robert ullery" but I had to pay for the bridge to 10k one.

Hope that helps you a bit honey, any other questions just ask but i'm no expert and still learning myself :) xx
Thanks very much i shall check that out!! How long have u been running been reading through ur diary u seem to be getting on great!!! Go u!! Did it take long for u too get really into it??
Been running for about 9months now. By the first week I was hooked. It was a struggle at first and still is at times, i'm not built for running but its all mind over matter.

The podcasts for c25k really really help. They tell you when to run & when to walk and whilst you may feel pretty urgh whilst doing some of them as soon as your done you'll feel great :) Let me know how you get on hun xx
Will def let u know, i'll try and download that tonight to start 2m strike while the iron is hot etc!!! Thank you so much, good luck to u!
I am thrilled. Ran the whole 6miles today, no stops in 1hr11mins :D Averaging 11.8min miles. Not bad i'm ok with that for now. I've still 18weeks and im sure there is going to be some improvement on that time. Knocked off 6mins from last weeks time.

Thanks guys ... and I wouldn't have minded you butting in Jan :)

Sandra, you probably do have Special Constables in Jersey, infact im sure you must have. Our role as Special Constables is exactly the same as a regular police officer the only difference is we don't get paid. We have all the same powers, same kit, same weapons, same everything, we are even sworn in like the regs. There is only one way that you will be able to tell if you are talking to a
special and thats on our epilettes (sp?) we have SC and then our shoulder number whereas regs have just their number.

People always get us confused with pcso's and I always just explain that we can do everything a regular can do were just not
on the pay roll :D

Great time for your run, that half marathon is gonna be a walk in the park by the time you get to actually run it!

No we don't have special constables, but we do have an honorary police system, they don't have the same rights as ordinary police though. Can I ask why you want to do it it you don't get paid? Couldn't you just join the regular police force and get paid? I guess it's not that simple?:confused:
Sandra, have you not heard about all the police job cuts that have to happen?
There is a freeze on recruitment until 2013 in devon & cornwall and the specials allows me to do exactly what I want to whilst still keeping my day job, gaining alot of experience so hopefully when recruitment does open up again i'll have atleast a baby toe in the door.

Some specials never want to become a regualar, my seargent has been a special for 10 years, enjoys his regular job and has no impulses to give it up and join the regs. You'll be surprised by how many specials join and never want to join the regs full time, i certainly was :)
Clueless Tanya.......sorry i guess that I lead a somewhat rarified existence, certainly Jersey is not the real world ....not as you know it.......and as for my life......

Good for you x
I think it's crazy that you specials have all the same authority, powers, equipment etc as a regular and DON'T get paid whereas the Community Officers have none of that power - hardly more than an ordinary member of the public yet get 24k! I know it's a real bone of contention in the force too (according to my son) xx
It sure is Jan!!!!! It is a pain but I don't mind right now as i understand the situation the force is in at the mo. Hopefully when they are able to recuit again i'll be able to get in full time but untill then im happy 'volunteering' ... is great on my cv and will gain me some amazing experiences.

Although I do understand why some people question why people do anything for nothing these days and I think i've lost count the amount of times i've been asked! :giggle:
summergurl said:
It sure is Jan!!!!! It is a pain but I don't mind right now as i understand the situation the force is in at the mo. Hopefully when they are able to recuit again i'll be able to get in full time but untill then im happy 'volunteering' ... is great on my cv and will gain me some amazing experiences.

Although I do understand why some people question why people do anything for nothing these days and I think i've lost count the amount of times i've been asked! :giggle:

Defo agree with you Tanya that it will look fab on your cv. It will show how keen you are about the police as a career especially as you dont get a cent for the time you put in. Until new jobs become vacant you will be gaining fab experience. Well done on pursuing your ambition.
I agree with everything Irish Molly said!!! Well done you xx
I wasn't questioning why you were doing it for nothing just didn't understand the situation over there.....and it will look good on your CV. Doesn't sound fair though like Jan says....

I did some voluntary work and fund raising last year for the local women's refuge and I really enjoyed it too, bit of an eye opener though.....in fact I've just got the application form for the local community savings bank (for Jersey people who can longer have a regular bank account for whatever reason) they're looking for people with a finance background to work maybe one day a week.....dunno if I'll be accepted but I figure that it's worth a try. I think that I'm going to be bored when I'm fit and well again.....