♥ Tanya's Maintenance Diary - Year 4! ♥

Very sorry to hear about your situation at home Tan :( I'm sure it's knocked you all for six. Good on you not turning to food, not sure I would have the same strength xx
It's a rubbish situation & it's taking all my might to not just stuff my face :(

I say ish for my dinner as I cba to get out of bed & check my calorie book lol

Wed 23rd jan
*3mile run
B- toast & butter 310
*snacka jacks & Special K bar 178
L- tuna salad, cottage cheese & nakd bar 516
D- lamb chop, broccoli & parsnips 370 (ish)
*yog & cuppa 130
Total = 1,504
Hope ur ok tanya - must be hard for u... Well done on not turning to food x
It is hard. Family life has done a complete 180 but life ones on :)

Thighs are killing me from bootcamp on Tuesday :(

Will come back Saturday and total up cals as iPad doesn't have a calculator (stupid!!) and tomorrow I'm going straight from work to a shift.

Thursday 24th jan
*1hr stump
B- porridge & milk 180
*special k bar & snacka jacks 178
L- ham salad, cottage cheese & nakd bar 433
*4giant jazzies ... Succumbed to the tuck shop :doh:
D- pork loin, parsnip & broccoli 270 (guesstimate)
*nakd bar 95

Friday 25th jan
B- duno decide when I get up
*special k bar & snacka jacks 178
D- turkey breast salad, cottage cheese, nakd bar
D- beef casserole (gma made it will work it out later)
Thinking of you hun, keep strong. Food wont solve the problem or change the situation in anyway no matter how difficult a time you're going through.

Take care x
I know food wont help and today I've been a pig.

I think I'm guna get it out of my system. I just got a picky head on. Think totm is due as well which isn't helping.

I will defo 100% be back ok tack tomorrow.
Strict 1,400cals a day. I'm guna bloody do it!

Wanted to weigh myself today but my scales are playing silly *******. I think it needs a new battery as every time I stepped on it this morning it was a different number. So, will change it for next Friday put it in one place and put a marker on the floor and stick to that.

I hope I can still get into the 10stones by June. It's going to be a mission but I have to do it.

Be back tomorrow ladies :)
One little pig out wont hurt in the long run Tanya and because of all you've got going on at the moment, I'm surprised it's just one little pig out!

How's the new job going? Good I hope.

Stay strong!
New jobs going ok. Bit tedious & wanted to lob the computer out the window last week cuz it was being slow & not finding what unwanted it to find but I think I'm going to really enjoy it. It can be a lot of pressure at times but that's when I really do my best. And of course the money is nice too ;)

Another shift this evening. By the time I finish I will have put in 50hours this month for the specials. All totally worth it. Breakfast was high but I'm not bothered I really really enjoyed it! Just gotta avoid the tuck shop tonight.

Sat 26th Jan
B- bacon, scrambled eggs, mushrooms, 1slice toast & up sauce 645
L/D- tuna & beet root salad, cottage cheese & snacka jacks 428
Total = 1,073
Tanya u never stop - I get tired just reading ur diary, work, classes, running, specials etc... ;)

Breakfast sounds lovely - worth the cals if u enjoyed it!!!
I really enjoyed it!

Yesterday I did the usual, step & pump then ruined it with chocolate :doh:
I like keeping busy ATM keeps my mind off everything tbh & I enjoy it all. Today I was feeling it though, did not want to get out of bed. I guess that's what I get for not having a lay in for over two weeks & surviving on 4-5hours sleep on a weekend!

Got up late this morning so breakkie was on the go.

Sun 27th jan
*1hr step & 1hr pump
B- crunchy nut & s.smilk
L- carvery
*2chunks kit Kat chunky
*1/2 bag mini eggs
*3crakers with cheese & pickle, 3pickled onions

Mon 28th jan
B- Special K bar, nakd bar 185
L- mullerlight, banana, 2satsumas, snacka jacks, nakd bar 481
*handful peanuts 160
D- smoked haddock, cauliflower & green beans 222
*yog 75
*melon, pineapple & mango with a slice of cheese (for the pineapple) 148
*special k bar 90
Total= 1,361

Tomorrow will be:

Tue 29th jan
*3mi run & 1hr bootcamp
B- porridge 180
L- boiled egg salad 210
Yog 75
2x clementines & fruit pot 143
Nakd bar 95
D- turkey breast, cauliflower & greenbeans 290
Total = 993
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Be careful u dont burn out hun... U need some rest!
At least u worked the choc off before hand ;)

Im totally craving chocolate today!
I'm not working this Friday I'm having a night in with the fam (except dad :() with some drinks :) first time in a few weeks, looking forward to it :) xx
Make sure you get enough sleep though, all that exercise and work you do really needs you to rest up sometimes.

Sounds as though your friday family night is really needed, enjoy!
I'm not working this Friday I'm having a night in with the fam (except dad :() with some drinks :) first time in a few weeks, looking forward to it :) xx

I can't imagine how that feels hun :( I'm sure you guys will have a good time, will be a transition to a new "normal" x
Going to be weird for a long time. But life goes on, these things happen all the time!

Tue 29th jan
*3mi run & 1hr bootcamp
B- 2x cereal bars
L- boiled egg salad 210
Yog 75
2x clementines & fruit pot 143
Nakd bar 95
D- pork loin, cheese, cauliflower & greenbeans 290
Total = 1,113
Wow Tan, can't believe it's been a year since grandad passed away! Not surprised you had a good cry with what was going on at home too.
I'm guessing it must have been really difficult for your mum and your dad trying to settle into a whole new way of life after he left the services (marines was it - wasn't he a submariner? Forgive me if my memory's letting me down hon). But there's never just one thing when there's a break up is there ... It's usually a whole catalogue of stuff that's just become too much.
It must be really hard for you my lovely, I feel for you {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}

Looks like you're doing really well with the job and your food & exercise ... And all at those hours with the specials!!! They're lucky to have you.

I've downloaded a free calculator app onto my iPad - I missed having one as well! Xxx
He was on the navy Jan. life's been weird since he came out we just thought it was a phase, turns out a few years later its not. I have no hard feelings though I know these things happen & I know it is for the best.

Felt stupidly hungry today so much so I felt sick with it iykwim. Probably cuz I had nothing after bootcamp last night and 2measly cereal bars for breakfast so in a 20hpir period (since I last ate yesterday) I did a 3mile run, 45min bootcamp and then only had 180 calories. Idiot. Next time ill be sure to have something more substantial for breakfast the day after!

Going ok today. Had to bake my brother a birthday cake for tomorrow so I tried a but of the buttercream just to see if it tasted right, just a teeny bit off my fingertip tho. I skipped my run cuz of doing this and not finishing work till 4. I don't feel too guilty surprisingly!

Weigh in on Friday. I don't feel any different and don't look like I've lost anything. I'm guna be so dissapointed if I haven't. I'm guna have to reassess things if that's the case. Though I'm not entirely sure what to change?! See what happens Friday.

Wed 30th jan
B- 2cereal bars 180
L- crab stick salad, 2satsumas, yogurt, fruit pot, nakd bar 439
*4chewy sweets during the day (our trainer brought them in) 63
D- sweet corn frittata with a bit of cheese, tin of crabmeat with seafood sauce 445
*yog 75
*1chocolate finger & 1chocolate praline star 100 (guesstimate)
Total = 1,302
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I am so sorry to hear everything that has gone on Tanya but amazed how you have powered through it! You are such an inspiration to a lot of people and the amount of commitment you have go to losing weight, fitness etc is amazing! x
I just wish the scales would reflect what I do sometimes. Hard balance to try and get right at the min :(

Here is tonight's finished product.
It's chocolate sponge filled with vanilla buttercream, covered in milk chocolate ganache and rounded with chocolate fingers & on top is milk choc buttons, malteasers, vice versas & praline milk & dark chocolate stars!

Good job the little brother loves chocolate ain't it!


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