♥ Tanya's Maintenance Diary - Year 4! ♥

Hi there
I have been reading your diary. Its really good. Just wanted to ask u a few questions please

I am nearly at target now and will begin eating again soon but am so worried. Been looking into calories etc. I am getting confused on these tho. I use fitness pal and google. Like for instance look for calories in a egg and google says one thing and fitness pal says another. Very confusing. Where do u get ur calories from. ?

I was gonna stick to 1500 calories a day. Do u think I will stay at my current weight? Going to exercise also just need to get my bum in gear!!

Any advise will be greatly appreciated as u have done well maintaining.

I was 17 stone last year and am now 11 stone 4 lbs. going to try get to 10 and a half or less but undecided yet.
I don't ever want to get that big ever again but am so worried!!

Yeah they're dangerous Jan! Lol

Hey ladykate. If you want to try the calories route then I'd defo recommend working out your bmr. Just put bmr calculator into google & it'll bring it up. Ref calories in things, the best way to tell is straight from the packet. After a while you'll begin to remember what's in what but I do also have a little calorie book that I look at if its not on the packet (which is rare). It'll be trial and error on which way works best for you for maintaining but I'd defo recommend keeping a diary somewhere of what you eat each day.

No bootcamp tonight as my friend is ill so just went for a 3mile run instead. Loved it (despite the cold!) I think my running mojo is finally making its way back! It's hard going though getting yourself motivated for a run after being up & at work all day but yet find it easy to get myself motivated for gym classes. Really looking forward to my shifts now!!

Tue 5th
*3mile run
B-porridge 180
*2snackajacks 102
*alpen bar 70
L- tuna & pot salad 262
Prepacked fruit 121
Clementines 60
Yog 75
*nakd bar 135
D- 2x pork loin, veg & gravy 349
*yog 106
*slice ham, cheese 112 (picked before coming bed :doh:)
Total = 1,572
Try what you thinks guna work best with your lifestyle :)

Today's been ok. Had a friend bring me up 2 jazzies this morning (they know I love them!!) so it would've been rude to refuse!! ;) not felt so hungry today, think the rice with lunch helped. Usually pretty hungry by the time I get home at 4 but today was ok.

Wed 6th
*3mile run
B- tea cake & butter 240
*2snackajacks 102
*jazzies 160
L- tuna, rice salad 352
Prepacked fruit 121
Clementines 60
Yog 75
D- chicken, broccoli & cauliflower in tom & herb sauce 295
*milk for tea throughout day 100
Total = 1,505
looks like a reasonable day :) Jazzies won't hurt if they're i your calorie count :) x
Had a bad afternoon. Succumbed to a caramel egg. Sheer boredom that was!!

Calories over today but still a deficit according to BMR.
Long day today too. Been at the station all day for work & I've got to go back in a bit for training for the specials. Really don't want to I'm sooooo tired but I have to go :(

Thu 7th
B- 2x toast - 1flora light 1pb 320
*2snackajacks 102
*fruit pack 41
L- seafood stick, rice salad 409
Fruit pack 41
Clementines 60
Yog 75
*Caramel egg 185
*jazzie 80
D- chicken, broccoli, cauliflower in tom&herb sauce 295
*alpen 70
Total = 1,678
Why do I get to Friday then lose it?!!! :(

Fri 8th feb
B- 2x toast & butter
*turkey meat
L- tuna, rice salad
2fruit packs
D- lost it. Came home and had 2crackers with cheese & pickle on & a packet of walkers & a jazzie :doh:
1.5hot cross buns & butter
10fried chips
*larrrrrrge v&c

Estimate total 2,300 :doh:

Seriously. Ill defo be lucky to get a loss next Friday especially with a night out tomorrow :( I'm just guna have to not eat!
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That's not THAT bad! Stop though!! Or it might be! Xxxx
I've edited it ... 1.5hot cross buns & butter & 10fried chips. FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now I'm sat whining cuz I don't have anything to wear tomorrow. Seriously this is so hard at the minute. I can't go a day without chocolate. I don't feel happy with my running. I feel like a heffalump. Ill be happy of I just get down to the 12st mark. Can fruit bloat you? I've eaten a **** load this week, more than ever before. I hate this feeling.
Tanya dont know if it helps but i get very bloated off fruit.
I just seen ur measurements and they are very close to mine! How tall are you?
P.S - i love hot cross buns - this time of the year is the hardest with all the easter eggs etc :(
5"2 chick. U?

I'm the same size as people in my training group but I feel like I'm the one that looks the biggest. My brothers Gf is a 14 too but is taller so looks skinner. It's so frustrating. I'm contemplating going back to 2shakes, 1 meal & 2 snacks a day for a few weeks until i start my shift pattern in march.
Im 5"1 - I feel the same - its rubbish being short :( I wear the same size clothes as girls in work but they look slim cos they are taller...

Sounds like a good plan - im back on 2 shakes and low carb meal from monday.
What do you weigh Sarah? Last weigh in I was 12st8.25lbs.

Right now I'd feel happy just getting those 8.25 off! I can't see me getting in the 10s by my June annual leave :(
Im 10st 5lb - dress size 12/14... Just shows that we shouldnt go by the scales - I dont mean this to sound bad (its meant as a complement) but you defo dont look like ur in the 12st and ur measurement dont either!!
Im 10st 5lb - dress size 12/14... Just shows that we shouldnt go by the scales - I dont mean this to sound bad (its meant as a complement) but you defo dont look like ur in the 12st and ur measurement dont either!!

Sorry you are struggling at the moment hun :( I agree with what Sarah says though, you definitely don't look like you are in the 12's. You look fit and healthy x

***Also re the fruit, I cannot eat fruit. If I do it's really once a week, it makes me so bloated. From speaking with my trainer he was saying fruit is so high in natural and carbohydrates it's best to limit it. Bananas should never be eaten apparently ha! He said if you have a bowl of fruit the sugar and calories in it is the equivilant to eating a snickers bar!!:eek:
Oh yeah you can deffo eat too much fruit!

Re the height/size/weight thing ... I know I've said it before but it never ceases to confuse me! I'm 5'6" and even at 10st7lbs I'm in a 16 .... At the moment at nearly 11.5st I'm either unable to breathe or back in the expandables!

Tan I think you look FAB girl. Only you know how you feel though ... It's a bugger isn't it?! Xx
Aw thanks girls.

I've been pretty busy ill come back update later this evening & catch up xxx
Busy last few days. Last night went to a cupcake decorating class. I'm so impressed with what I made!!!! (Pics are of what I made) I got my friend it as a present for Christmas so we had a nice evening doing that. It was only 4 of us and the cupcake lady so was a really nice evening.

Today I have started back on 2shakes, 1meal & 2snacks. I have ordered some herbalife protein bars so they'll make up one of my snacks when they arrive.
Today's been a bit high cuz I've had a snack that's probably more like a meal lol but it's the first day & I'm so hungry. I may weight Friday I may not I may leave it until next week. We were taking live 999calls yesterday for the first time. Little nerve wracking for the first one but after that it was fine :) more again today and for the rest of the week.

Phys going to be a bit bad this week as I have a meeting tonight and a specials op on Thursday so will miss a run & stump but will run tomorrow & gym Sunday.

Saturdays food was:

B- 2x hot cross buns with butter
L/D- home made cottage pie
*1glass (large) red wine
*about 6double vodkas & 2apple sour shots
*2bits of bread with a bag of crisp when I got home :doh:


(Cba with the gym had a nice lay in)
B- milk!
L- carvery
*1/2easter egg
*mini eggs
*strawberry cider
*4home vodkas ;-)

B- banana
L- cheese, lettuce & pickle sandwich
Mini malteaser bunny
D- 2bowlsnof crunchy nut & 6squares of galaxy
*cupcake (at cupcake decorating class)

Tuesday 12th feb
B- shake
S- 3rice cakes with 2lf blue cheese triangles
L- ham, rice salad
Grape snack pack &'fruit twist pack
S- scrambled eggs & tuna
D- shake
Total = 1,475


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They look fab!!!