♥ Tanya's Maintenance Diary - Year 4! ♥

Love the cake Tan. That is my kind of cake!!!!x
I just wish the scales would reflect what I do sometimes. Hard balance to try and get right at the min :(

Here is tonight's finished product.
It's chocolate sponge filled with vanilla buttercream, covered in milk chocolate ganache and rounded with chocolate fingers & on top is milk choc buttons, malteasers, vice versas & praline milk & dark chocolate stars!

Good job the little brother loves chocolate ain't it!

Holy crap Tanya that is amazing!!! Amazing!!! Don't suppose you would be willing to share the recipe with me??? x
Thanks guys.

Taking all my willpower not to have any today and save my slice for tomorrow! Weigh in in the morning and I just know it ain't guna be good. I can just tell. Think I may start to go back to focusing on measurements again so will do that in the morning (once I've stepped on and not seen a loss!)

Emma the cake is:
12oz sugar
12oz butter
(Cream them together)
(Added one at a time with a bit of self raising flour from what you measure out)
12oz of self raising flour
(But I take out 4-6tablespoons of flour and add in the same about of cocoa powder -depends how chocolatey or rich your cocoa powder is)
Pinch of baking powder

Divide into two tins bake on gas mark 4 for 35-40mins

The ganache is 240g chocolate and 240ml double cream.
Heat the cream, chop the chocolate up small and our over the hot cream and stir till it all melts together and leave this to firm up. It can take a few hours if leaving at room temp or about an hour in the fridge.

Butter cream is 3oz butter, 6oz icing sugar & add vanilla to taste.

Then go ahead and put it all together :)

Today then. Off to stump in a bit. Finished early from work which was nice. I've also arranged a consultation for arm lift surgery!!!! I'm either going to have it done end of April or end of September. It all depends on costs etc which ill find out at the consultation. I know I'm going to be out of phys for at least 4weeks which is a small price to pay to finally be happy with my arms. I'm also going to ask about boobs too and if that can be done at the same time. Realistically I don't think I'll be able to afford arms and boobs but main priority is my arms.

Thur 31st jan
*1hr stump
B- porridge 180
L- tuna salad, 2satsumas, melon, yog, nakd bar 503
*cheese 120 (gotta stop this!!)
D- chicken breast, broccoli & parsnips 261
*2litres flavoured water
*nakd bar 135
Total =1,223

This is too low. Especially with a 1hour phys class.
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Thats fab tanya!! I know youll feel so much better... I'd love to have my boobs done :)

P.S that cake looks amazing!!!
I hope I can get it done it April but I just have to wait and see what the consultation brings.

Stump battered me, as per. I have had a nakd bar after though to bring the cals up a bit.
Thanks for that Tan! I may be back to ask some more questions :)

Wow so happy for you about the arm appointment.......but whats wrong with your boobs? Sorry if thats being nosey but you look fab in "that area" lol in your pics xx
Haha good bras! I'm ok with the size of my boobs it's the fact their so low down.

Weighed in today and lost 1lb. Pleasantly surprised seeing as I got my totm this morning too :( took my measurements aswell today. Going to start doing that every two weeks again now too.

Calf 16.5
Thigh 23
Hips 41.5
Waist 35
Bust 36

Food day (weigh in day so day 'off')

Fri 1st feb
B- 1slice toast & butter
*banana & alpen bar
L- cheese, leek & bacon pasty & a slice of cake ;)
D- little family do (without dad :() for my brothers birthday so we've got alcohol, pizza, crisps, dips, mini sausages so picky tea.
Saturday was a bit weird. I wasn't really feeling right, I was so tired & didn't even feel like going in for my shift! Now that's a rareity.

Sat 2nd feb
*dorittos 400
*fish finger bap 450
*chicken breast & parsnips 300
*2cookies 200 (guess)
*some haribo 200 (another guess)
*banana 100
Total =1,650

Sun 3rd feb
*1hr step & 1hr pump
B- 2crumpets & butter 310
L- pork loin, veg, 3roasters & yorkshires, gravy 700 (guesstimate with the roasters & yorkshires)
*trifle ???
*handful mini cheddar a 129
*snackajacks 89
*milk tray choccies 245
*1/2bottle red 255
Total = 1,728

I have no shopping here for lunch tomorrow so will have to buy something in the shop on the way to work.
How you feeling today hon? You're not coming down with something are you? Look after yourself! Xx
It's just tiredness Jan. I've not had a day off for 4 weeks & won't get one till Saturday. I dont want to let my specials down but think I'm guna cancel Fridays shift just so I've got a night where I'm not doing anything & dont have to get up Saturday! I sound so old but I do just need a teeny weekend off! Xx
Course you do! I didn't realise .... You'll be letting them down more if you don't look after yourself hon! Xx
Well done on the 1lb loss Tanya especially as it's TOTM too. I bet your measurements will show great results too what with all that exercise you do!
Very true jan & thanks bev.

Not too bad today, except the damn jazzies!!! :doh:

Mon 4th Feb
B- 2x boiled eggs 140
*alpen bar 70
*3caramel snackajacks 153 (had these throughout the day)
L- blt sandwich (shop bought) 425
Banana 100
*5jazzies 400 eeeeeeekkkkk!!!!!
D- pork loin, veg, pots & gravy 388
Total= 1,676
(176 over today!)
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​Jazzies? You've done really well considering 400 was 'wasted' on them .... Whatever they are ;) xx
Also wondering what the jazzies are! Make sure you take time out to chill Tan. Don't be wearing yourself out!x
Jazzies ;-)

Done my menus for the next few days. Working out roughly 1300 cals but looks like I'm eating a lot! I'd like it to be nearer the 1500 mark though especially on phys days so will see what I can do.


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spoke too soon on my thread ... App not allowing me to post replies again! :( so back on safari.

oooooo those biccie/chocolatey things look lovely ... But doesn't the packet say Jazzles .. With an 'L'? Not that it matters ... I still haven't heard of them ;) xx
Haha well spotted jan, they are called jazzles but I've always called em jazzies. You must know what they are, little circles of white/milk chocolate covered in hundreds & thousands. You get them at pick n mix stands & I remember woolworths used to do them too!
Lol! I've seen little ones like chocolate button size but they look like big ones, and i assumed they were because of the cals in them. I've not seen them that size ... Good job probably ;) xx