Consider the type of 'meals' we consume as part of a VLCD. Very sweet bars. Sweet shakes. Soups and meals tend to be far less popular than sweet packs. Speaking for myself, soups and meals tend to provide an occasional contrast to the sweeter packs and not the other way around! I have a serious sugar problem. Other carbs, too, such as starches, but sugar is the biggie.
Since we have opted to lose weight on a VLCD we are not really tackling the underlying problem. However I feel that if I can stick to exante for long enough to shift half or more of my excess weight I may at that stage be in a far happier state of mind and therefore more open to abandoning sugar more or less completely as I did years back (and lost 11st). We are poor wee souls who need to lose weight NOW so we can feel encouraged and happy.
My dry cereal passion was usually Sugar Puffs. Or Frosties. When I was in binge mode, however, almost any cereal would do.