Hi all

Haven't really had time to do a proper catch up for a while, but have been reading! Everyone's doing great.
Isis - Sorry you had a tough time with the start of food week

One of the reasons I chose TS Plus was to avoid thinking about a food week. Food and I are not friends yet lol. Hope the rest of your week goes well.
Sparkley - Think you have faced some real challenges with all the birthdays going on, and have managed them ever so well. Keep going, and avoid those birthday treats. Put them away somewhere and ignore. Definitely easier said than done, but often out of sight becomes out of mind. I still have some stuff here from Christmas - Thorntons Chocs, selection box and Lebkuchen (German biscuits). I also plan on buying myself an Easter Egg, and some other Easter treats, and adding that to the pile. Not even keeping them or buying them to scoff at the end of the diet, as I fully intend to change how I eat completely, but it helps me feel like I'm not missing out if I have them, lol. It's an odd way of thinking I know, but so long as they don't end up in my mouth, that's all that matters I suppose

My birthday is at the end of April. I am yet to work out how to manage that one, and I need to be careful as even though it's a long way off, I will be at a lower weight then, and that's my danger time. When I'm not feeling quite so desperate about getting the weight off as am starting to feel comfortable in my skin, but still have a way to go. Perhaps I will just write down a meal that I would've had and put that with the other treats to have at a later date. We'll see lol.
Moisy - Good luck with that 5 litre bottle

I'd never leave the toilet if I drank that much in a day lol. I'm a bit rubbish with water, and don't really monitor what I drink. Just drink as I want it/feel I need it. Only things I have are green tea, sparkling water, and plain water. Previously on this sort of diet I did have bouillon, coke zero, black coffee, and the drink mixes (which I did buy this time, but just haven't taken to). Not sure why this time, but have just wanted the water and green tea.
Dietgal - Well done on surviving the dinner party. Not easy! Great that change in your shape has been noticed. It's not always about the scales. Things are going in the right direction, which is great
Rich - Well done on the weight loss so far. Doing great
Dietninja - Time to draw the line and take back control. Come on girl, you can do it
Smidge - Where are you? Is everything okay? Missing you on here. Come back and get support if you need it
Hi to everyone else. Hope you're all having a fab weekend
All good here. Had 2 very hungry days on Thurs and Fri, but okay yesterday and today. Cravings seem to be under control, but I daren't speak too soon on that front as they usually come and bite me on the backside at some point! lol. Jan has been relatively easy as I haven't had to go anywhere, but think Feb may be a tad more challenging as I cope with Shrove Tues, Valentines Day and a friend visiting during the latter part of Feb half term. I have some plans in my mind on how to cope with each thing though, so will hopefully come out of it unscathed. We'll see! lol