How to lose 40 pounds in 100 days
A combination of healthy diet andexercise is the cheapest way to lose weight. For this, the firstthing you need to do is calculate how many calories you need to cutfrom your diet. Losing 40 pounds in 100 days is equivalent to losingabout 2.8 pounds per week.
Design a diet and exercise plan throughwhich you would like to achieve your weight loss goals like forexample, eating fewer (800) calories and burning 600 calories, forthis you need to do moderate exercise such as brisk walking, joggingor swimming for about an hour. Eat plenty of lean protein, freshfruits and vegetables.
Follow your exercise regimen and dietprogram for 100 days . Avoid situations in which you might gettempted to break your diet, such as going out with friends to eat orfor movies. Weight yourself once in a week to track your progress.