100% on plan for two weeks from 18 June

Im way off the rails. 4 lbs up now and eating crap every day with 2 weeks to go to my holidays. Cant see to get back into it at all. Dont know what to do at the moment.

Oh no kiwi I hope you get back on track soon! When are you falling off the wagon? When I struggled it was in the evenings so I rear loaded my food until I stopped wanting to eat so much at night.

Of its that vending machine at work can you keep an emergency amount of cash in your purse, like a £5 note? But no change for it?

I know in the end you need your head to be in the right place to get on with it but some tricks might just give you the nudge you need?

the issue is I've no plan and I'm working crazy hours at the moment so I'm not preparing food every night for the following day. Back to all my old tricks of takeaways, mcdonalds etc as I'm not getting time for lunch either so I'm eating at my desk. haven't even grocery shopping in. I had a chinese and a bottle of wine last night. Haven't done that on a weekday in well over 12 months.
Hi All,

Feeling a lot better now. Will not be doing 2 fast days in a row again!! I was very sick but lesson learnt.

Kiwi - you need to get back in the zone. Your holiday is just 2 weeks away. imagine how you will feel if in 2 weeks time when your in your bikini if you carry on eating the way you are. Then think of how you'll feel in 2 weeks time if you've been good and your maintained. You can do it, get yourself back in the zone and down Tesco for some healthy foods :) Buy a load of fruit to take into the office, I have a fruit bowl on my desk.

Glad you're feeling better Liz!

Kiwi, instead of going to McDonald's go tithe supermarket and buy some veg and fruit then buy some precooked meat or eggs and you have quick easy food. This is what I have to do atm. Though I understand the lure of the takeaway try to order the better things and hav with salad if you have to order in!

Some of your lbs added will be due to the water retention caused by the booze and will go quickly. Just get through one day with water and good food. Take each day one at a time and you'll get there!

I've had a terrible weekend so far diet wise. Completely off the wagon and need to get back on it!

Feeling yucky. Want to get back to exercising. Going to try a little bit today.

Ive been lethal the last few days. Im been to the shops though and Ive all my meals planned for next week. Going to keep it to 1000 cals a day until I get back to where I was.
Well done for stopping the rot kiwi. I however have not today. I feel yuck with hay fever and a cold (coughing isn't part of hay fever I've had before so think it might be the cold my business partner had last week!) so feeling sorry for myself and therefore eating crap!

However I have told everyone that from tomorrow I will not be tempted and I only want support for eating right. I don't want anyone offering me biscuits or booze or anything else I don't want. I'm not strong enough to resist permanently. Nobody is!

Anyway tomorrow I pledge to only let good food pass my lips and to walk until my leg is better and I can run, squat or lunge!

Wtf is wrong with me, I left my lunch at home!!!! Anyway I seem to have gotten away with murder. 10 1 this morning. Hope all is good with everyone today. Any news peeps?
Well done on at least making lunch! That's a step in the right direction. I had a terrible weekend and think I'm paying for it now with a cracking headache. Not helped by builders hammering on the outside of the building.

Oh well hope you all have good days!

Morning All,

Hpw are you all getting on? All good for me, not losing anything but maintaining with all the running I'm doing. I do still want to lose another stone for the wedding and slowly running out of time, I fly in 5 and a half months!! I have 4 weeks where I have no runs from mid May to Mid June so tempted to do the shakes for a few weeks then.

In other news this morning I signed up for the Paris Marathon and got a place!!! So excited!!! xx
I'm doing ok. The lbs are coming off and I am busy at work so all is good. We have a weekend in Sicily booked for the end of the month. We decided we didn't manage to have an Easter weekend so we are going to have an alternative long weekend instead!

My calf is getting much better but I'm not up to running very far atm. Certainly not a marathon! That's brilliant Liz! You'll have to let us all know how you get on!

I signed up to pole dancing classes. I can't run much so alternative exercise needed to be found. First class last night and it was a real giggle. My shoulders ache from carrying my weight as I swung round the pole. But I did it in tiny shorts and didn't feel like a heffalump! Can it seems I can hold my own weight! This can only be a good thing!

Hope you're all enjoying the sun!

30 mile cycle ride yesterday mostly into a head wind! First ride of the summer but it was good!

How are you all getting on?

Wow, that's fab tigg. It was quite windy yest. I ran 13 miles yest (for fun) and this morn my hip is sore!! Not good. Xx

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Morning. How is kusadasi? I got back from Sicily on Sunday and I have to say I rather enjoyed the red wine and pasta so I'm back on track now!

Hope you're having a great time kiwi!

Best of luck Kittykat! Back from Kusadasi since this morning. back up to 10 4, but had an amazing holiday. Back on it tomorrow! Tiggs, how was Scicily? Liz, where are you???? Everyone else doing ok?

Hope you both had a fab holiday. I'm in a hotel room in Milton Keynes, running my next half marathon in the morning. Been really suffering with ITB band issues but had a massage, have some numbing gel and fingers crossed. Will let you know how I get on. Just hoping to finish to be honest, not fussed on time as long as it's not hideously slow x

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)