I didn't![]()
However - weighed this morning, 5 days since last weigh in. Only lost 1lb and only lost 1lb last week :-( it's only week 3 this week of my restart so was hoping for at least 3lb. Unless I suddenly lose another 2lb by sat im going to be well hacked off. I don't think my body likes this diet anymore, had exactly this before with 2 sts weeks but that was weeks 8&9. Defo in ketosis as checked twice this week and not totm so not that. I've only got 2 weeks until my nights off and wanted to be at goal by then (10lb to go) had I of lost a "normal" amount each week I would of done it but losing 1lb a week isn't going to get me anywhere near it. Could be losing 1lb a week on another diet and eating loads more. Will see what happens sat I guess!!
Sorry to sound so grumpy lol.
Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb![]()
I Know how you are feeling, my losses have been really slow as well, just got weighed and only lost 2lbs! was hoping to atleast have lost a stone in 3wks... my consultant says it's ok to lose 2/3lbs a week, but being on SS, I thought it would have been doable... anyway, hope to lose the 3lbs next week, if not, I'll probably do ss+ for a week then go back to ss. Good luck hun, hang in there, you are not alone. xx