I think in Krazzed's defence there had just been a post from Liz about this being a confessional page about cheats (Liz - that made me laugh!) and to follow that with a post about it being frustrating to lose less than those who cheat looked as if it was pointed at those who have cheated on this thread. I actually don't think that was Lizz's intention, but I can see how it looked. I think Krazzed just wanted to be honest about how she feels, which is fine, and its also fine for Lizz to have the space to defend herself if she feels the opinion is wrong.
I can understand that to be 100% and lose less than someone who is cheated is incredibly frustrating, but someone else's higher loss doesn't make a lower loss any less of an achievement. Ultimately, slowly and surely gives someone more time to get used to the plan, and adjust their eating patterns for good. I lost nearly 4 stone in the first 12 weeks the first time I did the plan, but if big losses equalled success I wouldn't be here again!
Its not ideal to be cheating obviously, but I don't think anyone who cheats 'expects' to still lose lots, its just sometimes our bodies act in a funny way. All of us want to be 100% and quite honestly, at this point in my 'Cambridge journey' I'd rather have a 100% week and lose 2/3lbs than cheat and lose 4/5lbs, on the basis that to be successful in the future I need my head to be in the right place.
Whatever weight we lose, and however we do it, we should celebrate one another for being here at all. As Liz said, a few days off track is still an improvement on all week off track. We're all aiming for 100%, but hopefully we can continue to be honest about when we fall short of this.