100% on plan for two weeks from 18 June

It is expensive I agree but I keep telling myself that I spent a whole lot more getting myself into this state! Lol.

Anne xx
Lol, you two!!!

Eating is not all that good either!! I've been throwing up since 9 this evening, had a salad from itsu and defo something wrong with it!!! Feel awful :-(

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
10 5 this morning so back to original goal. 5 lbs to go now to new goal of getting into the 9's so I can get my tattoo.
Well done kiwi!!! Oh no liz... what was in that bloody salad! ???

total loss = 39 lbs
Thanks both, still so rough so still in bed. Work won't be impressed as have loads up do.

Salad was a high protein, low carb one. Literally just chicken and egg plus leaves. Although my sister said there's a sickness bug going round.

Hopefully I lose some extra weight lol. Terrible I know :)

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Hmmm hopefully you'll be better by tomorrow. Get well soon x

total loss = 39 lbs
Kiwi - go you!
Liz - look on the bright side - bonus weight loss. (Sorry, couldn't resist!)
Krazzed - you just sound fed up with the diet restrictions. Have some food but don't go mad. Order the slim and save it's that's what you've decided to try but until it arrives just stay as low carb as possible. Look how far you've already come, you've done sooo well.
As for me, it's coming off but uber slowly. Another 2,5lbs to be back to where I got to in April before I completely lost the plot, then it's into new fat as liz would say. So near and yet so far!! Haha.

Anne xx
It's so hard to stay within 1200 calories a day. Went up to the canteen and I normally just get grilled chicken and steamed veg but they had my favourite chili taco soup on today so I got that with a half roll (tuna and sweetcorn) and then the girls were having coffee so I had to have a little homemade raspberry bakewell slice because I didn't have my dinner (wtf!!!). Just checked myfitnesspal there and it's coming in at 860 calories for the whole lot. I had a cambridge shake and two boiled eggs this morning so I'm bascially at my limit already and it's not even 1 o'clock. It's going to be a long bloody afternoon.
I was on cambridge yesterday. Slim and save arrived today and now doing a mix of that until the products run out and will then go from there. Had a slim and save truffle bar and omg!!!! So nice. Better than all the cambridge bars put together. It actually takes like chocolate!!!! Just having a four cheese pasta now... Thanks liz... here it goes! Hope everyone else is doing ok???

total loss = 39 lbs
Kiwi you are so close to goal and it sounds like u are being sensible. I'd say just have a small meal and then you'll only be a bit over. It's not going to make u gain any weight. X

total loss = 39 lbs
Just have a light evening meal going easy on the carbs and you'll be fine. I'm craving bread like mad at the mo. Haven't given in (yet) as I know it'll be a full blown seat at the last supper if I do.
#must keep going#must keep going...

Anne xx
Anne, you're really putting the effort in so dont lose that determination!
Feeling a little better, slept practically all day. Defo a sickness bug. Just weighed myself and lost 4lb but will obviously go back on, mad though!!!

Krazzed how was the pasta? I hated the bars!!!!

Total loss on cambridge - 2 stone 11lb :)
Glad you're feeling better liz, take it easy for a few days, you'll probably still be a little weak.

Anne xx
Not bad at all liz! Glad you're feeling better. Did you have the chocolate truffa bar... amazing!

total loss = 39 lbs