100% on plan for two weeks from 18 June

Well done hun, your naughty meals couldn't have been that naughty if you still had a decent loss so a small pat on the back is well deserved.
I wish I was as dedicated, I'm really not in the zone!

Anne xx
The water does make a difference though. Especially 3 ltrs a day. My skin was so clear too.
Day 3 of back on the shakes. Feeling good today. 2.75 lbs gone off the scales which always helps keep me in the zone.
I'm really struggling. I am an emotional eater, it doesn't matter what the emotion is, happy, sad, upset, I eat. I don't seem to have that little switch in my brain that says stop, you've had enough. Normal people can over eat but they cut back for the next few days to compensate, I miss that step out.
I would really appreciate any words of wisdom, any coping techniques that you have found or anything that has happened that finally made something click into place.
I just need to get on and do this but I don't know what's preventing it. I feel such a complete failure.

Anne xx
I'm really struggling. I am an emotional eater, it doesn't matter what the emotion is, happy, sad, upset, I eat. I don't seem to have that little switch in my brain that says stop, you've had enough. Normal people can over eat but they cut back for the next few days to compensate, I miss that step out. I would really appreciate any words of wisdom, any coping techniques that you have found or anything that has happened that finally made something click into place. I just need to get on and do this but I don't know what's preventing it. I feel such a complete failure. Anne xx
anne i am exactly the same if it makes you feel better - i think i have an addition to food. please dont beat yourself up we have all done it and it just makes things worse, i dont know whether its clicked yet for me so i would value the advice too. i just know i am better and more in the zone and thinking about my own body and it getting healthier And leaner when i am exercising and drinking water, when i stop that i seem to get a bit depressed and it can spiral from there. i srill love and crave a glass of wine and nibbles not chocolate so much but more the cheese and crunchy things that go with a nice wine or cocktail and every day seems a battle on that front!
Well I took that nearly 3 lbs weight loss and ate round and about me after lunch yesterday. Haven't had a shake today either. I'm grand once I'm focused on the shakes, if I have something it's all out carnage. I don't know how I'm going to get a handle on it either at this stage. I was 10 8.25 this morning, half a stone heavier than where I should be at this stage. I'd like to pretend it's like lead trying to get it off but in reality I know I'm heavier because I'm not controlling my intake. Alchohol it seems is a definite no no for me as well. Leads to carb binging.
Do you think it gets any easier?
Liz & kiwi, you're both at target - is it still a daily battle?
I just want to feel normal. When I was younger I don't remember feeling like this everyday, I ate a meal and that was that, not this constant urge to be nibbling. What the hell happened to me??
Seriously thinking I need some sort of bloody therapy. I need to snap out of it before I start googling my local branch of over eaters anonymous.
This must be one of the most successful diets in the world, so why can't I crack it?

Anne xx
Honestly..............yes I'm finding every day a constance battle at the moment with my weight. I'm the guts of half a stone heavier than I was 6 weeks ago and I'm back to being 3 lbs out from goal. I can moderate food to an extent but it's becoming increasingly obvious to me that I've 3 choices at this point. I can either put the weight on again, become a daily gym bunny and have a 5 days on two days off mentality or give up "normal" meals, sweets and all forms of alcohol.
O God Kiwi, I'm more depressed than ever now! Lol. Isn't the half stone on a normal thing though as that's the body restoring glycogen etc?
Why can't we just be like other people? They seem to be able to have a meal out or an odd drink without it being a massive deal.
I definitely think it gets harder as you get older, every ounce is stuck to my arse with industrial strength concrete.

Anne xx
I'm at goal too and Kiwi is right it isn't easy. You can't go back to what you did before. So you can't eat the same meals or drink the same amount of wine because we got fat by doing that. I've tried to change what my idea of normal is. I hit goal about another ago and since then I've actually (accidentally) dropped a couple of lbs under goal but mostly because I gained a couple after celebrating my birthday for a week!

I can't eat like my husband eats or my work colleagues or some of my friends. But I've watched my slim friends and my slim family and they eat differently. They do over indulge from time to time but they respond to that by being extra careful for the time before and after. What I used to think of as a normal meal was too big. So I've normalised my portions. I have eaten out a few times since goal (4x in one week!) but immediately accepted I'd need to reign myself in. I've had a (bloody brilliant) night out drinking cocktails as well as the odd glass of wine. But I know I can't drink or eat as much as I think others do. I can eat and drink enough for me and that's what I'm trying to work out at the minute.

I hope it gets easier (or at least more intuitive) too but until then I'll rely on being careful most of the time but allowing for the indulgences on those special occasions.

I hope you work out what works for you both!

I found this article with some good points on it (I need to start following myself :) ) Lazy Health Tips - Redbook

Yup that article covers most things. Some I'm not convinced by. Like if you're up late then a healthy post dinner snack is fine. I often have yogurt and berries later on whilst hubby tucks into peanuts and crisps! Rather have something good than fade and eat bad stuff!
hey girls really upset cause i gave up and scoffed half the week and only lost 7 pound :( ( thats a small loss for my first week for me last time i lost 13) well atleast i lost something i guess, back to being a 100 percent my determination is dwindling xx
Draw a line under it. Just think you are now half stone lighter than you were this time last week. Here's to a 100% week and a big loss. U CAN do this!!!,

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7lbs is a great loss. Don't beat yourself up, you must be doing something right, I'd be really happy with that.

Anne xx
thanks louise thanks anne i have shakes left over from last week so my consultant advised me to have 4 shakes a day just for this week as im struggling with hunger so hopefully should not go off the path !!xxx