100% on plan for two weeks from 18 June

Hope your surviving the storm kiwi.

Tigg - hope your ok?

Another run done for me even if I did get blown away lol. Rest day tomorrow. Nearly up to 50 km for jan so far. Really want to get to 100km for the month. Xx

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Morning all. Done park run this morning and got a PB. 29:44 which I'm well chuffed about as its 3 laps of a cross country style route with a big hill that you have to go up 3 times!!! Off out shopping now.

Hope you all have a fab weekend. Xxx

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Hi Lucy,

Welcome. I think it's personal choice and also think it depends on how much you have to lose. I had nearly 4 stone to lose so stayed on SS for 12 weeks then moved up the steps. I lost the last half a stone low carbing and seeing a personal trainer as I wanted to tone too. How much have you lost and how much more do you have to lose? X

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Hi all,

I ran 15KM today!!! Actually can't believe it!!!! Ached so bad after and I was sick again but feeling a lot better now. I think the sick thing I get after my long runs is simply because I'm pushing myself so much!! My running ap said I burnt over 1600 calories. Crazy. 8 weeks until my first half marathon so well on track I reckon.

Weight wise I gained 3lb the day after coming out of ketosis which is water weight and lost a lb this week. Would of liked more obviously but any lose is better than none. Hoping for 2lb this week. My body is weird, lose loads in ketosis but hardly anything eating healthy but it's ok this year as I only have a small amount to lose, every other year I've had at least 3 stone to lose. I'm still near my original target and a size 12, just wanted to get to a size 10 for the wedding and that's not to October so all good.

Hoping your all having a fab weekend. Xx

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Thank you. I had 3 1/2 stone to lose lost 8 1/2lb on first weigh in, on week 2 now.
I did the diet last April & lost 2 1/2 stone in 8 weeks but didn't move up the steps,hence why I'm back here again. I need to make sure I do it properly this time.
Well done Liz. You're doing amazingly well. I walked 8km yesterday and 14 km today so I'm hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow morning. You may need to up your calories to 1600 on the days you're running maybe?
Good luck Lucy. Deffo move up the steps and stay on them scales and on here. That's what us maintainers have done. I started over a year ago now and I do have the odd gains but I always make sure I lose them too.

Well done kiwi that's fab :) look at us athletes lol. I'm up to about 1200-1400 I think. Forgot how much I love pineapple!!! Still trying to low carb my dinners though. Let me know how your weigh in goes xx

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)
Hi all,

Hope you all having a good skinny week ;-)

All good for me. Sticking to my calories and running. Up to 76 km for the month, want to get 100km. Scales staying the same so far this week, guess my body is just levelling itself off and getting use to my new habits. Fingers crossed for a loss come Sunday. X

Total loss - 3 stone 12lb :)

I'm feeling human again after freezing at work from Thursday to Sunday, finding out on Friday that hubby is going to be made redundant putting our house move up in the air again then falling off the wagon and feeling generally terrible. Yesterday and today (so far) have been good days.

Hope you're all good!

I was made redundant 3 years ago so I know just how rubbish it is. He's been there since 2002 so a long time... It's timing is terrible too we are due to move in about 6 weeks too so that is currently on hold. All just a bit draining and his family aren't exactly supportive!

I was on hidden killers in the Tudor home on BBC 4. I'm the one burning stuff and making a big chimney!

Oh well I feel clearer of mind now so back on plan too!

Very bad day today. I'd say I could have had 4000+ calories today and then my thinspiration dress arrived and I'd have gotten into an 8. (Not if I keep eating like I did today). Back on it tomorrow.
Tigg - Fingers crossed for you. Hope things get sorted.

Size 8 Kiwi - JEALOUS!!!!!

Still no movement on the scales, sigh :-/ I Better lose a lb by the weekend!!!
Size8 Kiwi that's great!

I'm still on the wagon and feeling pretty good in general! Must be finally kicking into ketosis! Yay!

Liz and Tigg - proud of you both! You're really putting the effort in. Lovely day here. Might go for a walk after work.