Right back to square one again, had two crap days with this depression (on meds) but have to take one day at a time, binged big time, Lindt chocolate and all sorts. Today is perfecto though so I hope I can stay an :angel09: for this week
Woohoo! 7days honked in a row! Promised myself another 100% week but sticking to 10 syns per day this week (except Fri and sat where I'll let myself have up to 15).
Honk for today and I think honk for yesterday (ended up changing plans halfway through the day as only had a little smoked salmon at breakfast and tea was 7.5 on green or 28 on red so had to guess at the salmon and think it came in at 15 syns for the whole day not bad when that included an impromptu visit to the cinema with a friend).