Honk! Day 3 (all 15 syns used though!)
J Jenna88 Gold Member 8 December 2012 #5,382 Honk for the whole week! I'm back in the game...until next Saturday!
Jess<3 Journey to 10 stone loss 8 December 2012 #5,384 Jess<3 said: Half honk so far... but sure will be back later Click to expand... Im back to honk'e d honk!!
Jess<3 said: Half honk so far... but sure will be back later Click to expand... Im back to honk'e d honk!!
W woowoo83 Full Member 9 December 2012 #5,390 honk! First one in about 2 weeks, it feels good! Sent from my iPad using MiniMins
Dougal1983 Proud Mummy 10 December 2012 #5,392 HONK! First honk for a week, just in time for tomorrow's WI (better late than never hey!)
Tetris Gold Member 11 December 2012 #5,394 Honk! Made up for the ten extra syns on anniversary outing yesterday by having just 1.5 today to balance it out!
Honk! Made up for the ten extra syns on anniversary outing yesterday by having just 1.5 today to balance it out!