Wow - i've not posted since May!
I'm sorry for not replying to your kind messages - i've had a very rough few months
Today i'm feeling really ill & am really close to falling of the WW wagon
I'm trying to keep a lid on it but it's darn hard!
I need to reset my numbers as my weight has changed - but i've lost 10lbs in the last month thanks to sticking to ProPoints!
I've been going under my points 2 often and not using hardly any of my weeklies - my Doc says i'm losing 2 quick so will try & use at least all my daily points from now on.
I've been told i need to lose a chunk of weight for an important operation which is what's got me so motivated - but it's also upset me to my core that i put myself in this situation - that i CAN'T have this operation because of my eating - it's really hard not to be really hard on myself right now but i just keep thinking - you HAVE to do this NOW - it's not a choice anymore - this has to happen right now - no other option.
It's scary & a huge pile of pressure i'm putting on myself but like i said - i have to do it now.
On a more positive note - i have stuck to plan for a solid month & that feels good

I'm trying to exercise more even though i'm in pain a lot.
I have started thinking of myself a little differently - i just don't care quite so much what people think of how i look because i've turned all my attention to getting myself well & getting treatment.
I don't know - i can't find the words to say what i mean!
Like i now know i will lose weight so i know i'm not going to look this big for much longer so i feel better knowing this is just my temporary size... oh dear i give up - just rambling now! If you read all of this i thank you very much!

Hope to get back on the board more as i really miss it!