Helloooooo! Lovely to find lots of messages waiting for me
I have been sick as a very sick thing this week so haven't been able to post - have missed you all very much!

It started with a mega lurgy cold which I ended up passing on to my OH and both my parents oops!
Then I got a severe attack of my Endo Pain and ibs flarred up like a beast - all at the same time!
Oh and I had to have an MRI on Thurs whilst feeling all those things! I must have looked horendous after being in bed all week lol
I did go a bit crazy after my lovely WI ladt monday - lets just say the crisp monster attacked me and brought his friend chocolate

Still - I started Wednesday with fresh weeklies but it happened again... and then again! Pain is a major food trigger for me as it's the only thing that will get me through that awful intense *wriggling about like a demon* pain

I did however track everything I ate - crisps, dominoes, choccy & all! Which has taken me almost to the limit on weeklies - I only have 2 left Till Weds!!
Still glad I tracked them even if it was pretty epic bingeing it HAS stopped now

I've had a 100% day and got out for a little walk - won't weigh this week as it's totm (already?!! How?!

so I have a while to sort myself out before next wi (I get massively demotivated by totm gain so I find I do better to not wi)
I'm still aiming for my 2lbs off to get my stone ladies! Surely I can manage this in 10days yes?
Although Totm turns me into an eating machine & is quite horrifying!
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend
Oh yes - mini NSV - there have been a box of super posh M&S mince pies in the kitchen for 4days.... and I've not had any!! OH keeps ramming them in his mouth whilst making a cuppa - no no, not to have with a cuppa - just to pass the time of the kettle boiling! It's gone in 2 bites & I swear he doesn't chew! I'd make it last aaaaages! Oh I do love a mince pie & coffee
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