10st10lbs' Diary - been away for far too long!

No naming and shaming!
You're the one who has to keep ME on the straight and narrow, so you have to be perfect from now on so you make me look even worse. Okay? :) xxxx

You're too kind :eek:

I lost 0.5lbs :( A bit gutted but glad it wasn't a gain. Going to try 100% to be 100%. Was a bit hard in group just now, everyone whipping out choc hifi bars left right and centre! But I went to Co-op after and picked up some choc&fudge Alpen Light bars and some CocoPops bars, the 4 syn ones, so I will be fulfilling my chocolate cravings come 8:49pm! xxx
Hope that you have had a good day

Good news on the loss - no matter how small it is still a loss



Thanks T :) A good few hours left of my day yet, and it's lightning and thundering and absolutely chucking it down with rain here in Manchester...

Got some lovely news to share though, which has put a bit of a grin on my face :D

Starting measurements as at 06/05/2010:
Bust - 36"
Under bust/Waist - 32"
Arms - 12"
Hips - 42"
Thighs - 24"

Current measurements as at 12/08/2010:
Bust - 33"
Under bust/Waist - 29"
Arms - 10.5"
Hips - 37"
Thighs - 23"

Woohoo! xxx
Thursday 12/08 - Extra Easy

Breaking fast
- Date (2.5 syns)
- Fruit salad - pear, banana, apple, grapes, tangerine

After prayer
- Salad - carrot, cucumber, lettuce, boiled egg, potatoes, and garlic sauce dressing (3 syns)
- Lamb curry with gravy (3 syns) and chapatti (3 syns)
- Mint yoghurt chutney (1 syn)

Late night

- 2 Alpen Light bars (HExB)
- 350ml skimmed milk (HExA)

Total syns: 2.5 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 12.5 syns
Thanks T :) A good few hours left of my day yet, and it's lightning and thundering and absolutely chucking it down with rain here in Manchester...

Got some lovely news to share though, which has put a bit of a grin on my face :D

Starting measurements as at 06/05/2010:
Bust - 36"
Under bust/Waist - 32"
Arms - 12"
Hips - 42"
Thighs - 24"

Current measurements as at 12/08/2010:
Bust - 33"
Under bust/Waist - 29"
Arms - 10.5"
Hips - 37"
Thighs - 23"

Woohoo! xxx

That's brilliant - how many inches loss in total (my maths are rubbish!), well done on your weight loss too x
That's brilliant - how many inches loss in total (my maths are rubbish!), well done on your weight loss too x

13.5" total loss :) Mum asked me when I got home today how much I'd lost. I told her 0.5lbs, and she was about to roll her eyes and do the 'Slimming World is rubbish' face, but I interrupted with the 'buttttttttttt' face, and then told her my inch losses and she was quite surprised!

Hope your first fast went well. Congratulations on your losses inch wise- that is great! Really goes to prove not to go by what the scales say alone.
Hope your first fast went well. Congratulations on your losses inch wise- that is great! Really goes to prove not to go by what the scales say alone.

Hi Meli, it was a lot better than expected! Today, I'm feeling kind of rough already... Gotta keep myself occupied though :) Really happy about the inch losses! I think I'll share them with my group next week, I want to blow my own trumpet all over the place! Prob do another set of measurements around Eid :) xxx

Morning Hun

Hope that you are well

Take care


Morning lovely, as well as one can be on a gurgling stomach :( I think I'm gonna pop in to your diary in a bit to see what you're upto - it will keep me distracted and probably answer my constant mental question when I see your stats - why don't they change?!

Because I am rubbish at following a diet - I'm not doing anything at the moment as I am on holiday with my 2 boys at the moment so all food etc has gone out of the window... hope you haven't been taxing yourself over it for too long.. ? LOL


Lol, I thought that might be the case! But then you changed your start date, so I thought you were getting back on track! Hopefully after your holiday, you'll be able to food optimise fully :) xxx
Friday 13/08 - Extra Easy

Closing fast
- 1 Weetabix (1/2 HExB) with 150ml skimmed milk (3/7 HExA) and 1 tsp white sugar (1 syn)

Breaking fast
- Date (2.5 syns)
- Fruit salad - apple, pear, banana, tangerine, grapes

After prayer
- Plain boiled rice with lamb mince (2 syns) and potato curry
- Naan (3 syns) with meat gravy (2.5 syns)
- 1 bite of a veg spring roll (2 syns)
- Mint yoghurt chutney (1 syn), tomato ketchup (1 syn) and EL mayo (0.5 syn)

Late night
- Alpen Light bar (1/2 HExB)
- 2 Mikado (1 syn)
- 200ml skimmed milk (4/7 HExA)

Total syns: 1 + 2.5 + 2 + 3 + 2.5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 0.5 + 1 = 16.5 syns :(

Dammit, I didn't realise I had gone over. I'm sure I wrote all this down! Gotta check it now... okay, I forgot to syn the lamb mince when I wrote it down, doh.

Hoping to have less syns tomorrow, I ate way too much today after prayer out of greed.

Last edited:
Saturday 14/08 - Extra Easy

Closing fast
- 1 Weetabix (1/2 HExB) with 150ml skimmed milk (3/7 HExA) and 1 tsp sugar (1 syn)

Breaking fast
- Date (2.5 syns)
- Fruit salad - apple, pear, banana, tangerine, grapes

After prayer
- Plain boiled rice with lamb mince (2 syns) and potato curry
- Chapatti (3 syns) with meat gravy (2 syns)
- Potato, tuna and sweetcorn fritters
- Mint yoghurt chutney (1 syn) and tomato ketchup (1 syn)
- 1 mini profiterole (2 syns?) :(

Late night
- Alpen Light bar (1/2 HExB)
- 200ml skimmed milk (4/7 HExA)

Total syns: 1 + 2.5 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 14.5 syns
Sunday 15/08 - Extra Easy

Closing fast
- CocoPops cereal bar (4 syns)
- 200ml skimmed milk (4/7 HExA)

Breaking fast
- Date (2.5 syns)
- Banana

After prayer
- Pasta salad with cucumber, lettuce, tomato, carrot and potato
- Naan (3 syns) with chicken curry (1 syn)
- 1 meat samosa (4 syns)
- Mint yoghurt chutney (1 syn)

Late night
- 2 Alpen Light bars (HExB)
- 150ml skimmed milk (3/7 HExA)

Total syns: 4 + 2.5 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 15.5 syns