14lbs to goal!!

Thanks Kim for the advice.

I don't really want to have a blow out because I had a blow out for three weeks at Xmas lol
Ugh I just really wanted this weight off because in going away in feb, then march Znd then may so I know those months will be harder to lose.

Gonna research plateaus now and see what I can do. Thanks :)
I researched it. It said to either start reducing ur calories (not below 1200) or up ur exercise.

So I've started up on my fitness pal again and gonna keep track of my cals. Lol u would be surprised at how much cals ur eating while on slimming world
I've no idea sammy. I suppose we r meant to listen to out bodies and only eat when we r hungry til we r full. And I'm guessing that because I'm smaller now I need to rethink and reeducate myself in how many cals I'm eating and portion sizes lol hoping it works
Lol no worries. Thought that x
Out of curiousity I put a few days worth of food into MFP & was amazed how many calories I was having following SW. However, the plan works & personally I dont want to get into the trap of counting how many calories Im eating, like an apple lol! Do what suits you best, but please be careful & dont get caught up in both plans.....its exhausting!
yeah do be careful, when i was havinv trouble loosing ised my fitness pal just out of curiosity and was over my cals each day but I carried on and that week i started loosing again
I know. It's doing my head in already lol counting a measuring lol

My consultant is gonna talk to me tomorrow about my plateau and see of she can help.

Kim I tried Philly garlic n herbs with chicken and pasta. Gorgeous :)
Week 5,

My weigh in: 8:13(1/4)
Official weigh in: 8:12

Lost: 2.5lbs

Breakfast: 2 weetabix and skimmed milk (hexa and b)

Lunch: low fat supernoodles

Dinner: beef and prawn stir fry with noodles. Black bean sauce (2.5)
Sw lamb doner kebab meat (2)

Snacks: ripple (7.5)

Total: 12
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This weekend I'm going out for drinks. So in going to save 5 syns each day this week. Which would give me an extra 30 syns for sat night.
That's exactly what I've done this week - will let you know how it goes! Xx

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Good luck! X
You might be in a plateau Charlene, which happens to us all unfortunately! I've been bouncing around with the same couple of pounds for about 6 weeks now & its only now I seem to be on the move again. You just have to keep at it & try not to get discouraged as you will start to see the scales move if you persevere. Never give up or bad habits can start to creep back in. Why not stop weighing yourself everyday, as it can become a bit obsessive & frustrating. Also, because you are so near to target it will become that much more difficult to shift those last few pounds.....talking from experience lol.........maybe lower your expectations & aim for 0.5lbs per week as thats what Im going for & wont be disappointed then. Haha, I'd be very happy with 0.5 per week at the mo as have been very stuck!
The only thing I can think of thats started the scales moving again, is I had a blowout last weekend, so might have kick started my metabolism again which can sometimes work, but not always as its usually exercise I need! Try researching plateau's on the internet & see what you think x

I've been doing it for about two months! It so frustrating
Thanks. I'm glad to have it off!
Day 2

Weight: 8.11(1/2)

Breakfast: fat free natural fromgrais, grapefruit
Kellogg's chewy (hexb)

Lunch: pasta n sauce with 125ml milk (1/2 hexa)

Werthers original (2)

Dinner: sw chicken tikka and pilau rice

Snack: toffee crisp (11.5)

Acceleration training
2+ litres of water
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Day 3

Weight: 8:11(1/4)

Breakfast: Kellogg's chewy (hexb)

Lunch: leftover tikka masala and rice (

Snack: 2 shared ripples with my daughter (15)

Dinner: spiced mince packed with veg, wrapped in lettuce

Snack: banana

Total: 15

Acceleration training
2+ litres of water
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