Will Be Slim In 2013
Left the 16st barrier and joining you all at the 15st to 14st tonight 
Well the 1lb I lost this week is back onstill 15 stone 10
I'm feeling so down and fed up about it. I've been at this weight for weeks and weeks. since christmas I've lost a whole 4lbI could put that on in a day.
I did Slimming World fast forward (I'm following the old plan from home) and thought I lost 1lb earlier that week.... even a 1lb loss would still be a loss
Got weighed and the lb is back on!
I really feel like giving up. It looks like I'm always going to be this weight, nothing is going to work for me. Even fast forward which is supposed to give a 3-4lb loss has done nothing....
I just really need a good rant. My mum and I ended up having a screaming match because she is an ex consultant and keeps 'advising me' on how to lose the weight then when I get weighed she defends slimming world in a way saying "of course it works" "you must have had something without realising" I've done zumba, bokwa, a 45 gym session. I also have a physically demanding job. She's been cooking and preparing my meals so she knows exactly what I've been eating
Looks like I'll be joining weight watchers. Maybe Slimming World is only good for a few years of failed weight loss and yo yo dietingso down and fed up about the whole thing. I really feel like giving up
I've technically been following it since I was 8 when my mum joined class. I'm 26 now so for all those years I've been on and off, losing 7lbs then gaining 10lbs then losing 1st then gaining 2st etc.... This up to now has been the only successful attempt I've had and even that looks like a failed one!
(hugs) for being so down. But looking at your signature you are 3 STONE lighter than you were. This is a brilliant loss - feel proud of that. Keep eating healthily and your weight will start to go down again.
Wow well done Carol 9 pounds!! Great to be back on plan Emmie and Thatbubs - have a good week all.Just joined the 15 to 14 group - lost 9 pounds this week to get to 15 stone 6 pounds - and was Slimmer of the week - can't Stop grinning!
2lb gain for me this week :sigh: . Was 14,9.5 now 14,11.5. Thank god I did not get over 15. Really need to get my skates on this week. Well done to everyone else on their loses this week !
Kay xx
Joining you, if I mayWas on the brink last week, so another 2lb off brings me down here! I've now lost 20lb in the last 6 weeks, weighing in on Fridays and doing it from home with books/magazines and this lovely forum!