not got far to go sallyann, il be so very jealous when u move down the bracket

Camplestar - 4 stone??? brilliant work !!! bet you feel so much better now.
Ellenj79 - how u doing today? i wouldnt beat yourself up over 4 activia yoghurts, better than 4 chocolate bars but I know what you mean hun. Sometimes I just need to eat and munching on cucumber etc is enough because im not craving anything, i just think i want that actual feeling of eating if that makes sense, daft I know. When your actually craving something its so hard because nothing is satisfying. I am kinda proud that I am managing to throw away stuff, its a tiny step but its something I never would have done before, would have just munched my way to the finish line then go...'pants, i shouldnt really have done that', so I guess it shows im actually THINKING about what im doing.
Iv not felt too bad today and yesterday - definately think being at work helps, just having the routine. Towards the end of the week there I think it was jsut boredom becuase my boyf was back at work and I was just spending my time going to the gym, coming home and not doing much other than a few odd jobs round the house. Got some superspeed soup and a tuna salad for food at work - whihc il probably have all 4 shifts, creature of habit and all

so im hoping and begging Il get a pound or so off at weigh in.
Stick with it peeps - WE CAN DO IT ! Picture how good you felt breaking into the 15's - double that for breaking into the 14's - oh my word, I literally could not even begin to tell you the last time i weighed in at that stone bracket...IM GONA DO IT....
