I'm a different person on a Friday, I finish work at 4pm and walk into town (weather permitting) and meet my mum, I love my Friday evening and I usually potter around he shops and then meet Mam for a coffee for an hour, this is my favourite day of the week apart from my weigh in day Tuesday
I have been through the fertility before so I knew what I was letting myself in for but I knew that with the weight loss I was going to have a better chance even though I am a lot older now. I have to be prepared for the moods to go up and down but then again that is reassuring for me I know then the tablets are doing their job and hopefully all this will be worth it.
Blessings, lets hope it is nothing too serious and that you find out real soon, I hate been left in the dark as they dont know what is going on, the waiting and not knowing combination can be tortureous, I have been there before. By the way, I love the way you say "life gets in the way", when I started slimming world, I changed one sentence around and it changed my life for the better, I said instead of saying "I fit slimming world around my life" I said "I fit life around slimming world" and this may sound selfish (it is actually) but I had to do it and absolutely nothing gets in the way of slimming world.
Suzy, I would love to paint my nails but sadly I bite mine so I have none but usually I get it in my head to let them grow and I do it and then I get my nails painted, what I love to do to relax is I go for a spa day (not too often as I have very little money but I try to save up for it). I love this, I switch off the phone and just relax, pure heaven.
Lozzie, often you wont notice a weight loss until nearer the time of weigh in, this is why I weigh myself on Monday and Tuesday morning so dont fret my dear Im sure it will be fine. If your going away, I always go for the chicken curry with rice because most restaurants have their own sauce and all you have to ask is is there any cream, this usually works for me. There is a restaurant in my home town and I always go there because they make their own curry and there is absolutely no cream. If your going out for coffee (I love my coffee) then if you have a costa, our local one makes it with the skimmed milk and it is pure divine, I usually allow about 100mls for that.
If I'm not on here later (I probably will be !!!) then I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will talk to you again on Monday morning