15 stone to 14 stone support

Hi everyone coming here from the 16s to 15s thread after weighing in at 15st13 this morning.. so happy to be here finally but also can’t wait to be in the 14s! Xx
Well despite a week away in New Orleans where I ate and drank to my hearts content I managed to shift a pound this week (No idea how that happened but i'm thrilled! Off to the 14's to 13's thread I go!
Well done all x

I only lost 1/2 this week, still in right direction though :)

Aiming for a 3lb this week...or hoping is more of a word. :)
Lost 1lb :)

I am thinking of doing a speed week this week to jiggle things up and give it a boost.

I really want to be in the 14's before Christmas. :)
Well done!!!

I'm hoping this is my last week here...possibly not because star weeks around the corner and i'm already feeling grumpy and will bloat like a whale any day now.

If its kind to me (I doubt lol), I should get in to the 14's. Crossing everything!
15st. 2.1/2lbs. I stayed the same this week but will keep trying for that 3lbs for the 14's.

Hope there is a thread for 14-13
Back in this group after my holiday in October. 2 pounds off this week to take me to 14 st 6 pounds.
Brilliant, well done . I am pushing really hard to get into the 13 zone by Jan, weigh in is tonight, so we will see how it goes.
Stayed the same this week so now 15 st 1lb. Hope to be stones below by next week.
Weigh in last night and maintained which I am happy about so here for at least another week.
I never realised this website had come back! Restarting again after a crap couple of years - a shocking 15 stone 6lb - expect to be here for a month .... so that would make Valentines Day my leave date. Fingers crossed.
Weigh in last night and maintained which I am happy about so here for at least another week.
Doesn't seem to be many around here - good luck for next week - starting at 15stone 6lb, so about a month here I'd expect .... see you in the zone below soon!