Gold Member
Hi lanarkwitch good luck do u have any pointers doing it before? X
Hi xmandsx, the only thing I would say is veg, veg and more veg. I try and use my syns for making meals more interesting rather than using them up for eating crap and sweets, which is a bad habit I am trying to get out of. I do of course keep them flexi for drinkies at the weekend
I was at my heaviest 24st (approx) and lost 11.5 from a combination of counting calories and SW green days, then I moved country and ate pizza for a year and banged on 3.5 stone using the excuse that there were no quorn sausages here!!
I was back counting cals for a while and lost just over a stone before xmas which I've kept off, so now I'm attacking the other 2 extra ones which seem to keep hanging around