Ok, so you have a special occasion to look forward to and work towards in July.
Heres a little thing i want you to try. You may think im mad but what a lot of people dont know is that i am a qualified clinical hypnotherapist. What if you get one of your big photos out and look at it for a while. How would you feel if you went back to that size overnight? Pretty bad I bet? Try and put yourself into your old body and note how you feel. Urgh, it's not good is it?
Now, imagine yourself at your ideal weight, just shut your eyes, and really try and put yourself into your new body. You are wearing beautiful clothes, you feel fantastic and you look stunning. Just enjoy the feeling for a little while.
This is called future pacing and what you are doing is taking your negative feeling and replacing it with a good one.
What you could also do is squeeze the ends of your thumb and second finger together (making an O) while you are thinking of yourself as slim and happy. When you are feeling as if you are struggling, squeeze the thumb and finger together and all your positive feelings should come back. This is called anchoring.
You could practise this every night for a week or so and really put lots of effort into your visualisations, and use your thumb and finger squeezing when you need to.
Let me know if it helps Brum. If anyone else wants to try it feel free.