ProPoints 17th times a charm!!!

Oh no :( may be you need to pour yourself a glass of wine especially if you've points to spare

Oh no hunnie.. Sorry to hear.. Hope its nothing too costly.. Bug hugs.. xx

Oh No :-( I hope the House n Stuff gets sorted :) Well Done for not giving in with food tho :) A glass of wine sounds like a fab suggestion!!! X

Right Brona, I'm packing my suitcase, put the kettle on ;-) Love u Sweetie.xxxxx

I know hunnie.. Got to be hard.. But you should be well proud of what you've done on your own.. Takes some women to build a home on her own.. That's independance at its best.. But I can't imagine having to have gone though all the strains n stresses alone so I do feel for you... Mahoosive hugs darlin'.. xxx

Aww Bróna, I don't know what to suggest but didn't wanna just read and leave it. ((((hugs))))

Oh Brona, sorry to hear this :( Just try & focus on the positives & all you've done on your own, without relying on others. If it's not raining sit in your beautiful garden with a blanket & cup of tea :)

Big hugs Brona, if u ever wanna meet for a coffee just give me a shout!

Oh Brona, please don't beat yourself up about it. May be you should set a date for facing up to it...obviously I've no idea what's going on, but I'm sure it'll wait until after your sisters wedding. So I reckon, if you can, put it to one side for the next 10 days and enjoy the craic! Then on your next proper day/couple of days off after the shenanigans, start on it. Get a plan, write a list of things that need to be done & the respective
contacts, start a spreadsheet for costs & dates, break it down & hopefully it'll be more manageable.

It sounds like you may be making yourself sick with worry & if it can wait I really think you should just enjoy this weekend and try & forget about it until you've time & head space to deal with it properly.

Hope that came across ok :)

Sending u huge massive hugs Brona sweetie, u sound just how I was a couple of weeks ago, log on here when u can and when you're feeling more your self u know we will all be here for you. Love u lots Sweetie Pie.xxxxx

Aww Bróna, I hope you get things sorted soon and can put it all behind you. I know you know what needs doing so no point me telling you to organise and do it! I use Kalms night time spray when I'm stressed to help me relax and sleep. (((Bróna))) xx

Oh no brona im really sorry to hear you are down.
Is there any way you can spread it over a few weeks?like do one thing this week one next and so on just that way you arent trying to do everything at once

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Hope you are feeling better today. Like the girls were saying give yourself a few days 'off' from thinking about stuff and set a date after your sisters wedding to deal with it one thing at a time x

Guys, I am so so grateful that ye were all there for me when I needed some love and support. It meant so much to me. I may not have been on here very much but I read all your messages.
House stuff not sorted but im much more relaxed about it. I did put it out of my mind for the wedding. Only thing to do.
Much love guys. xxxxx
Gorgeous x

It looks lovely on you :) Your figure is very enviable ;-) x

Wow - gorgeous hair, gorgeous dress, fabulous you :) hope you have a cracking week in the run up to the party of the year :) Have you sorted the accessories for your sisters wedding?? Sorry memory like a seive!

Omg you look amazing the lil waist on ya well done hun all your hard work paid off

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Thanks for all the compliments guys. :) xx
Yay glad your back we missed u
Sorry house stuff hasn't been settled but good that you are more relaxed about it its the best way to be xXx

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Heya brona
Hows things with you? Hope all is well xXx

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Come Back Soon Brona, We Miss You :) x

Yes - we miss you!

Hope you had a great time at your sisters wedding & you're still living it up now ;)

Can't wait to see some pics x

Hope you are doing ok and had a fab time at the wedding

Hey guys,
So I had an amazing few days at home.
We met the inlaws Friday nite. Only knew my sister's husband-none of his family so we entertained them Friday nite in ours. They are so lovely. Great craic. :)
The wedding Saturday. We had gorgeous weather-someone was definitely looking out for us. My sister looked absolutely stunning. Great great day and great food and dancing etc. So much fun. :)
Then afters on the Sunday again was good fun. Slow starting-hangover turned into another nite of drink eventually. :)
Just a good weekend all round. So im hoping I can get back into the swing of things. I know ive put on weight (3 weeks or so off diet will do that). Didn't mind Saturday but could see it across my back and stomach expanded by Saturday. I am hoping that some of it is just drink and bloating etc but I doubt im totally that lucky. Oh well. Just hope I get back on it sooner rather than later. :) xxx

Photos wont turn sideways-me at wedding on sat


My sister and brother-in-law :)


Gougane Barra-where wedding was on Saturday. :)
Yay glad your back we missed u
Sorry house stuff hasn't been settled but good that you are more relaxed about it its the best way to be xXx

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Hey honey. Ya glad to be back. Missed ye all too. Not sure ill be able to catch up on all your diaries so may need sum ups from all of ye. :) xx
Oh wow you look stunning and as does your sis. Looks like you got blessed with the weather. The location is just gorg.
Dont worry about gaining you prob didnt gain as much as me.....I gained a monster 10lb over 3weeks whoops oh well I enjoyed it.
You will be back on track before you know it

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Oh wow you look stunning and as does your sis. Looks like you got blessed with the weather. The location is just gorg.
Dont worry about gaining you prob didnt gain as much as me.....I gained a monster 10lb over 3weeks whoops oh well I enjoyed it.
You will be back on track before you know it

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Thanks hon. Ah shur you had a better excuse-it was _your_ honeymoon! :) x

I'm so glad u had a great wedding. U look amazing. Weather was def on ur side and your sister looks Fab x

Thanks hon. :) x
Brona! You're Back! Missed you Sweetie :)

Loving your Dress and how beautiful do you and your Sis both look, good Irish Genes there ;-)

You may or may not have gained but the main thing is you had a fantastic time, just what you needed in my opinion :)

It's good to have u back Sweetie, Minis hasn't been the same without you!

Lots of Love xxxxx
Sounds & looks like a great weekend! Your sister & hubby looked so happy!!!

Head down now, back on track, or are you still hungover!!!!

Wasn't hungover last nite, just really tired. So watched TV til my eyes were hanging and had good sleep.
Off to do food shopping once I'm out of bed and plan out my week. :D x

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Brona! You're Back! Missed you Sweetie :)

Loving your Dress and how beautiful do you and your Sis both look, good Irish Genes there ;-)

You may or may not have gained but the main thing is you had a fantastic time, just what you needed in my opinion :)

It's good to have u back Sweetie, Minis hasn't been the same without you!

Lots of Love xxxxx

Thanks honey. You're too kind.
Ya I feel much better after some quality family time.
Can't wait to catch up with ye all. xx

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Morning hunnie.. How are ya?
Pix are FAB!!! You looked amazing.. Your sister looked STUNNING and that view... WOW..

Hey honey
Thanks hon.
Ya she really was stunning. Had a brilliant time. What a day for it-that view could have been so different :D xx

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What's on your Shopping List? Maybe there might be some Reductions ;-) Hope u have some yummy meals planned.x
What's on your Shopping List? Maybe there might be some Reductions ;-) Hope u have some yummy meals planned.x

Oh I hope so. Hehe. Missed them. :D
Havnt got out of bed yet.
Tomoro I'm at work all day but out all day stuck in a hospital. Lunch I think I'll make a sandwich but not sure bout dinner as I may not have access to a microwave. So something substantial but cold...

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Oh I hope so. Hehe. Missed them. :D
Havnt got out of bed yet.
Tomoro I'm at work all day but out all day stuck in a hospital. Lunch I think I'll make a sandwich but not sure bout dinner as I may not have access to a microwave. So something substantial but cold...

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What about a Roasted Veg Pasta Salad? You could obviously put chicken in it? You remember I took one on a Picnic a while ago? Was super tasty and fine cold.x