ProPoints 17th times a charm!!!

Hi hunnie.. Been a while since I chatted with you.. Hope all is well.. xxx

Hey honey. All good. Works crazy busy.
Trying to get back into eating well as I really wana get rid of last few lbs!
Took a week/10 days off running and hav found yesterday and today really really hard. :-(
Hoping to get back ontop of that too cos doin run with ray at end of March! :-(

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Aw Brona, I think you're absolutely amazing at your running. I'm sure you'll be back to it with no problems and find it easier in no time.
So I woke up wide awake at 4:20am!! It always freaks me out when that happens. No reason!
So I was like a zombie this morning leaving house so never weighed in. I'll do it tomoro. :)

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Friday 22nd

Weetabix x 2 (3), candarel, banana (0), milk (1)

Tesco chilli chicken noodle salad (4)
Apple (0)

Jellies left from my bold week (5)
Crisps (7)!!!! Stay away from o Donnells crisps!!!

Breaded fish (4), mash & butter (2), beans (3)

Tea (0)
1/2 Waffle & ketchup (2)
Coors light (4)

Water - 1150mls
tea x 1

Total dailies used: 26/26
Weeklies used today: 9/49
Total weeklies left: 40

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So I'm hospital with one of service users 9-5 yesterday, today and tomoro. It's nice to hav some quiet time but now my arse is numb!! Nothing to pick at tho so I suppose that's good. What I picked at yesterday was what was left from my bold week of eating!

I weighed in this morn and I'm 9st 10! Up 2lbs! Not good. Was STS after my week at home which was great but I put on 2lbs trying to get back into it! Bold!! But there was icecream and jellies and crisps!! And a chippers! :-(

Here's to a good week. No plans so no reason to not stick to it! :)

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Sometimes it can be a catch up weight loss if you know what I mean. It'll be gone as quick as it went on, after a good week.

I used to hate hospital visits with service users, soooo boring!!!! But sure as you say, at least you can't pick lol. xx
Saturday 23rd

Weetabix x 2 (3), candarel, banana (0), milk (1)

Tuna (2), pasta (4), salad with mayo & onion (1)

Pork stir fry- pork (8, veg (0), rice noodles (5), soy sauce (0)
D. Coke (0)
Chicken ball (3)

1150mls water
500mls sparkling flavoured water
Coffee x 1
Tea x 1

Total dailies used: 26/26
Weeklies used today: 1/40
Total weeklies left: 39

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Sometimes it can be a catch up weight loss if you know what I mean. It'll be gone as quick as it went on, after a good week.

I used to hate hospital visits with service users, soooo boring!!!! But sure as you say, at least you can't pick lol. xx

Ya I think I know what u mean. Can feel it a bit Alrite around my waist but not worries bout it really. It'll come off again. :)

No picking today! Yeh!! :) We always send who ever is scheduled for 9-9 shift cos we cover hospital from 9-5 so it just happens I was on 9-9 fri, sat, sun. So back there tomoro but I'm getting a lot of my book read! :)

Avoided takeaway tonite at work and made my own stir fry! Yum and way nicer than the lads takeaway though I did hav the chicken ball! It was like the 'beat the takeaway' programme Eva orsman did there a few years ago. I had it prepped, cooked and ready to serve quicker than theirs was ordered and delivered. :)

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Mmmmm really hungry today. Can't wait for lunch and I've drank nearly a litre of water to try and curb it! :-(
Luckily the guy in hospital for only has chocolate and in off it for lent and the hospital shop has closed cos it's Sunday! :)

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Sunday 24th

Weetabix x 2 (3), candarel, banana (0), milk (1)

Salad- lettuce, tomato, onion, peppers, tuna & mayo (3), coleslaw (1), balsamic vinegar & sweet chilli (0)

Fruit pastilles (5) - the hospital shop opened back up! :)
Tea, coffee (0)

Roast chicken (1), roast potatoes x 2 (6), carrots (0), stuffing (3), gravy (1)

Toast, butter & cheese (5)
Meenies (4)
D. Coke (0)

Water- 1150mls
Sparkling flavoured water- 500mls
Tea x 1, coffee x 1

Total dailies used: 26/26
Weeklies used today: 7/39
Total weeklies left: 32

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Monday 25th

None-day off :)

Toast (2)
Spaghetti hoops (4)

Tea & choc chip cookie (2)

Spaghetti (5), Quorn bolognaise from freezer (3), Parmesan (1)

Tea & Jaffa cakes x 3 (4)
Toast, WW cheese (4)
Popcorn & butter (3)
Sponge cake (8

Water - 1200mls
Tea x 3

C25K week 4 day 3 - 5APs
Hour walk with friend & her dogs - 3APs
Total APs this week - 8

Total dailies used: 26/26
Weeklies used today: 10/32
Total weeklies left: 22

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None-nice sleep in :)

Noodles in curry sauce (2)
Milk (1)
Tea x 2 (0)

Lasagne (7)
Homemade chips (3)
Roast tomato, salsa, coleslaw (1)

Cake (4)
Turkish delights x 5 (8
Tea x 3!! :)
Toast & WW cheese (4)

Water - 1000mls
Tea x 5 cups

C26K Week 4 Day 3 (again) - 5APs
2 hours hard graft in garage & garden - 5APs
Total APs this week - 18

Total dailies used: 26/26
Weeklies used today: 4/22
Total weeklies left: 18

Did good bit of work around the house today. All overdue. Did good clean out of my garage and dumped a load of stuff and then started digging my garden. It's gona take forever but really glad I got a start on it. Feel really good bout it! :)

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Toast, butter, cheese (5)

Wrap from deli- wrap (4), chicken (1), cheese (1), mayo scrape (1), mixed salad (0)
Meenies (3)
Pepsi maxx (0)

Roast chicken (1), potato (2), loads of carrots, turnips (0), gravy (1)

Apple, pear (0), in Greek yogurt (2)
Toast, butter, cheese (4)
Turkish delight x 4 (8

Pepsi maxx
Tea x 4 cups
Water x 1100mls

Nothing today
Total APs this week: 18

Total dailies used: 26/26
Weeklies used today: 7/18
Total weeklies left: 11

Long day at work. It's totally dragging. And on sleepover tonite. :-(
Meant to get up to go for run before work but was so lazy! :-(
Pay day today tho! Woohoo!
Bought a new mattress today. Homestore + more had half price mattresses for feb so got one for EUR350 worth EUR700. Can't wait for it now! :)

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Wouldn't worry about the exercise Brona you are very busy with work. Look after yourself xxx

"very" mite be a bit strong but I know what ur saying. Just wana keep on track so I can be back running 5k soon! :)
Thanks hon. xxx

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Brona you're doing brilliant ATM.. Well done hunnie..x

Thanks hon. :)
Pay day is dangerous though. I get so excited that im not broke for a whole 2/3 days in the month that i go and eat from delis and takeaways etc.
But have few things comin up so hoping looking forward to them will stop me messing up in mean time. :)

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