Last day on the meds, yippee. I seem to have lost some more inches around the hip area, and that's really making me happy.

. It's actually pushing 43 inches very closely; I never ever dreamed it could get below 45 much less down to 43, lol. Good times, lol. If only the calves will also catch up quickly

. On another note there are a few life changing happenings around me. We are moving house!!! We've lived there for close to 14 years now, and the nostalgia is really hitting me badly. So many memories, sigh...but we have to move on sadly. We've outgrown that area and the kids need space. Moving from a 2 bedroom bungalow to an awesome 2 storey 4 bedroom apartment. The kids are super excited, lol and I could really do with the space. Just think, I finally have a place to set up my yoga studio and put my treadmill

. The poor thing keeps having to be folded up all the time and that's discouraging when you have only 15 to 30 minutes to have a go in the morning. Since I traveled, got back, took ill e.t.c I haven't even bothered to dust it much less use it
The stress of moving is however giving me stuff to think about other than food and diet so that's a good thing - what with all the cleaning, boxing,'s a nightmare lol, but all good stress.
Ah well, time to get back to work, and my low calorie diet.

. Smashed up a hot choc mint shake laced with beanies choc mint coffee for breakfast - yummy. Also had a pure protein bar with it - still keeping up the calories but gradually bringing them down to 1000. My consultant seems to think since I'm having inch loss on a higher calorie maybe I should just keep to the 1000 calories for another week and see what happens - I'm not complaining, I do like my protein bars

. She's still wagging her finger at me for missing weigh day, but at least I still use my tape measure

Let's keep seeing