Silver Member
Your days sound bliss, think I'm going to opt for a snuggle sofa movie day with the kids too Mandy, it's absolutely freezing here, snowed a little and now stopped, it's not lying but it's bitter! Xx
Jenna88 said:It's too cold to get out from under the covers...I don't think I can do it. It's also deceptively sunny here in the North, yet I know as soon as I step outside I'll turn to ice. Sneaky sneaky!
jessikahlashes said:The sky here is so full, definitely going to snow again soonI'm at least a little prepared with my new wellies that came today haha
camz said:Same here (Newcastle) glad I'm all set for a quiet, cosy weekend in! Xxx
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camz said:Haha well I'm in Durham, OH used to live in toon city centre...think I forget I'm not there now haha! I read back on your previous posts earlier, you have done absolutely AMAZING!!! I am so pleased for you, and think you are an inspiration! There is a lady at my group who told me this week she has been at target for 24 YEARS!! The two of you have made me realise once again why I love this diet, and I know I am in this for life now! Xxx
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